Why don't I see any 270 smokers on Here anymore?

Kinda weird that they have "sold out" posted on 2 out of the 3 smokers they sell and the table top grill.

So really the only cooker you can order from their site is the smallest smoker called "Hollywood".

Not a good business model. Or maybe a going out of business model?
Kinda what happens when a manufacturer doesn’t jump on the pellet bandwagon ;-)
I owned one that I bought new from Mason Dixon BBQ in PA back in 2016 and kept it for about six years before giving it to a friend.

1) held rock steady temps

2) easy to use

3) great customer support from husband and wife owners


1) relies on wood chunks for smoke-not very effective for getting a smoke ring

2) made of thin metal and painted with paint that easily flaked/corroded

3) sliding bar to control air intake and swiveling baffle at flue were crude

At the end of the day I could have lived with the 270 but I found little remarkable about it.