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I've got the ingredient but no.

Try this instead. Peanut Whiskey. Merican style.

I won't be doing this version... but I'm also not so opposed as to start handing out pitchforks and torches to "pay those folk a visit" either.

I have included some brown sugar- and I have snuck in some unsweetened cocoa powder in mine... it this really so different?

Chili is a many splendored thing- enjoy it the way you want to.
Hard pass on that one! Chocolate maybe.... peanut butter cups? no way.
I don't know about the peanut butter cups. I do know a local chili cookoff team that is very successful does put some peanut butter in their chili.

I like to make grilled peanut butter sandwiches, let them cool a little and cut them into croutons. Add them as a topper to a big bowl of three-alarm chili.
I'd never heard of anything like it before. Sorry to the mods if I broke any rules, I was just curious. Im a fan of the Sucklebusters Chili mixes. Thinking about mixing up a batch and throwing in a Reeses or two left over from the kiddos halloween stash to beans of course.
Peanuts are a key ingredient of Satay. That's peanuts and a chilli mix, so putting a peanut butter cup in a batch of chili is not so far of a reach, if a little bit of a surprise to the purists. Almost as crazy as adding beans.

But anyway, have a think about it. Do you want to make chili or satay.
I have access to some of that peanut butter whiskey above, and some brisket just waiting.
A little dark chocolate, need to plan some chili.
I don't like peanut butter in general, so it's not going into my chili. But I do add a couple squares of bittersweet chocolate to each batch.