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here are the final pictures, came out with a minimal ring, hardly any smoke flavor and tough:mad: What the fark, only thing different from the last on as far as cooking was this one spent longer time at low temps to generate smoke, and this one was a whole packer, thought it would be more juicy! Ahh well, looks like it is back to the drawing board.:icon_smil

Pictures are so hard to compare to the real thing.
That brisket looks like it is swimming in moisture. :lol:

Did you slice that with the grain or across the grain?

What cooker and what fuel did you use at what temps?

Looks fine from here.

The Kapn expressed my thoughts exactly. I am looking at the pix and my mouth is watering. Looks mighty juicy to me.
Pictures are so hard to compare to the real thing.
That brisket looks like it is swimming in moisture. :lol:

Did you slice that with the grain or across the grain?

What cooker and what fuel did you use at what temps?

Looks fine from here.


I am using a country smoker pellet smoker, ran it on low ( 120-160 range) for a couple hours, then turned up to between 180-220 for 4-5 more hours then kicked it up to between 230-275 till it hit 195 , then i foiled it for 3 hours.
Wahoo:eusa_clap....heavy rain moved out quickly so i have the WSM fired up and ribs are on!!!! Got some Vidalia onions that i will caramelize later in the cook as well. I have some yard birds for tomorrow. Working to catch up on what i have missed the last few weeks!
I am using a country smoker pellet smoker, ran it on low ( 120-160 range) for a couple hours, then turned up to between 180-220 for 4-5 more hours then kicked it up to between 230-275 till it hit 195 , then i foiled it for 3 hours.

What pellets are you using? 100% hickory, Oak, or whatever? Or blended?
What pellets are you using? 100% hickory, Oak, or whatever? Or blended?

I was told they were blended hard wood only but i just got done googeling them, looks like there is some soft wood/pine mixed with it, maybe that is what did it?
If the pellets were sold for smoke-cooking they should not have any pine, but might be mostly a hardwood that does not produce much smoke flavor, like ash.

My understanding is you results will be much better if you use 100% single hardwood pellets to cook with.

I am sure the Kapn or one of the other pelletheads will jump in here with the definitive answer.
I use pellets a lot, but not in a pellet pusher. I just use them with charcoal [or gas:oops: ]
it was the only place around here that had any pellets, i told them i needed them for smoking and they had to be hardwood, i was assured it was a premium hardwood blend, picked up a couple bags worth. Now looks like i have a couple bags of pellets to now use in my little fire pit. I am having a hard time finding anything out here except mail order and you pay as much to ship it as you do for the wood.
Newbie, I buy online from Epps Farm.

This is their website. I buy in 20 # bags, usually about 100 pounds at a time. The per pound price is real good[don't remember exaxtly] and the shipping is not bad spread over that quantity.

I am sure the real pellet pushers here buy far larger quantities.

Epps farms retail brand is Branch Creek.

I get 100 percent pecan, hickory, and oak, plus some cherry, and mix it or not as the spirit moves me.
I have used Branch Creek pellets and still do for some hard to find flavors.

For the same money, Trager is a quality pellet.
If you live or order from West of the Mississippi, the "base wood" is Alder and the mill is in OR or WA state. If you order from East of the Miss... the base wood in Oak and the mill is in Al.
I use mostly Trager pellets now and they seem to be "cleaner" and better burning. But, not enough time with them to be certain.

Either brand costs more than Fast Eddy pellets which are highly rated. But, with shipping Eddy's can get pricey. There is a group down here that buys by the pallet load and then Eddy's become very affordable.

For the amount of pellets a guy like me burns, the Trager or Epps pellets are not a financial burden at all. Whole lot cheaper than what I spent on wood processing and storage plus the charcoal.

There is a supplier in the MO area (or somewhere around there) who sells (produces?) pellets with a loyal following. She is Candy Sue and can be found on the CookShack forum a lot. Seems like quality stuff if you are in that area. I think they are BBQers Delight, but don't hold me to that :oops:

I think the older FEC and Trager controllers were "calibrated" for the BTUs/hour of a heat pellet like Oak. I understand that if you use a lower BTU/hour pellet like a fruit wood, the temp in the smoker will be lower.
Not so for the IQ4 controller--it just adjusts and holds the temp set.

That's about all I think I know about pellets for now :oops:

I'm using a mix of oak, hickory, and pecan (the woodpile got mixed after it blew over)...not pellets!!

I've got 20# of chuck going and about 30 large chicken bosoms for a party tomorrow. The chuck will go into the cooler in about 4 hours and hold till I pull it in the morning. The chicken will go on when the chuck comes off...then I'll figure a way to hold it at temp until it's picked up...

Nothing like TS Barry to put a kink in my cooking...backyard was flooded yesterday (nothing serious, just messy) and I moved the Kingfisher into the back last weekend since Southern Brethren BBQ doesn't use it any more. It's more convenient to use off of the pool area rather than carrying everything around to the driveway!

Just breezy and overcast right now. We got about 5" of rain overnight...really needed it. But, my pool did overflow and I had to wait for the water to drain off before pumping it out and starting "recovery" of the swimming quality water!!
Got a turkey boob on the smoker today. Brined a bit last night, and rubbed before the pit. Looking good so far!

We have a 12 pound turkey on the WSM since about 11 this morning. Put a fatty filled with a couple of cream cheese and shrimp stuffed jalepenos on about an hour ago.

Tomorrow it's a couple of slabs of ribs for an experiment. One will be settled down with a dry rub and the other will be marinated for a few hours and will get no rub. Not sure yet if I'll mop yet though.
Mmmm...Chicken and Pork Pron.

Grub just came off ye ol pit. Some fine looking pig sticks and chix thighs if I do say so myself. Was trying to keep some competition scores in mind, probably have some good ones for turn in, but not six consistent thighs.

The ribs, sliced up a few bones to make sure they were 'ok' for the guests. Killer. Just barely tug of the bone tender. Man I love ribs.


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Great Looking Grub!

Now, I am hungry again for some ribs and chickie :lol:


Had good luck with the new chicken recipe I tried Friday night. Gonna do it again tomorrow to check times and temps.
Great looking grub guys. Smokin Newbie, as John from Pigs on the Run pointed out, sometimes its the quality of the meat that makes the difference, good or great. I wouldnt be too discouraged. Use the best meat you can find, and try again. Its a journey, not a race. Food looked awesome. Bet you can make some awesome beans with the leftovers.