What is the Minimum .....

I have 1 WSM and 1 kettle. No amount of cooking devices will ever determine the fate of my man card. I'm pretty sure I earned a lifetime membership.
You most certainly have Marine, as have all Americans who have served us honorably and faithfully.
Number of Smokers a fellow should have?

I say 3 - Small, Medium and Large. And a Weber Kettle can count as one but not a gas grill (I have a gas grill but it don't count) :becky:

Wait....What? We are supposed to count them? No Farking way, if I count them then I can't "honestly" answer "I don't know" when asked how many I have...:rolleyes::thumb:
"Should Have"?, obviously one.

'Can Have'?, How much money ya got?

Btw, USMC, Thank you!


You most certainly have Marine, as have all Americans who have served us honorably and faithfully.

Yes Sir you Have!!!!! Thank you....

Thank you guys! I looked back at my post and hope it didn't seem cocky. It was an honor to serve this country and to serve with some of the greatest people that shared the same love for this country as I do!

That being said, in the short time I have been a member of this forum, I get a lot of similar feelings of comradery. I got a good feeling that a lot of you are very patriotic. You guys welcomed me with open arms and it just feels right when you find a place, even in the cyber world, where you have similar interest with so many people.

Back to the topic, yeah, I don't believe in minimums when it comes to smokers and grills(currently building my collection back up), unless it is gas fueled, cause even just one of those is too many! :laugh::laugh::laugh: