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Great to hear. How do you like the handle? Jeff said he could put the larger handle from their hog cookers on (not sure about cost yet). It seems a bit more beefy and gives more horizontal grab locations, which sounds good since I won’t have any front table due to front loading.
I like the standard handle and since the door is insulated always open and close the door bare hand. I did just look at the hog cooker handle and it does look nice and their option prices are very reasonable. I would say that would be cosmetic choice though the standard handle is fine
My order has been placed. I'm looking forward to finding out how it cooks in person and sharing. The inaugural will probably be hanger. Thanks everyone for your input!
Congrats! Very much looking forward to seeing and hearing more :)

What’s the ETA?
I'm being a little thick headed but curious how the size ends up impacting smaller cooks...does it feel awkward to fire 2 steaks on it? Waste of coal? Hard to get temps up? Lid awkward to use? I'm trying to get my head around if a grill can be too big in terms of cooking. I've found on my prior grills that I don't have enough space but this may be my first experience with too much space.

I would hoping to just scale my charcoal to my cook size, even if it is just 1 or 2 steaks but I may be missing something entirely.


It seems the beauty of this thing is that if you are just making 2 steaks, you can (ballpark guessing) toss half a chimney of coals in one dinner-plate sized area on the charcoal pan and just toss your two steaks right above it. Shouldn't really matter. Since the vast majority of cooking steaks is direct heat, it won't really lose much to a smaller grill with the huge amount of extra internal volume/less radiant cooking. I think you'd be fine.