What is an ABT?

Here is a pic of some abts, and some sweet turds made with sweet peppers.

Here's a few .. japs and sweet peppers stuffed with cream cheese, pineapple and chopped green onions

I don't think the sweet peppers would qualify for the 'atomic' designation.

Just sayin'

. . . and if you haven't cooked yourself up a batch, jfletcher84, you should. They are addictive! :)
I don't think the sweet peppers would qualify for the 'atomic' designation.

Just sayin'

. . . and if you haven't cooked yourself up a batch, jfletcher84, you should. They are addictive! :)

Technically you're right... Maybe classify as Sub-Atomic.
I love abt's , though I'm the only one in my family that likes spicy foods. No problem with that , just more for me to eat.
Thanks for the pr0n. Never tried the sweet peppers before. Maybe I will next cook for the folks that can't walk on the spicy side. :cool:
I made up a batch when I first got the Traeger. That was three years ago; and I haven't made any since then. They are a PITA to make; and they disappear as soon as you put them on the serving line. They are delicious; but very time consuming to make enough to keep everyone happy.


I have never cooked them before. After opening this thread my mouth is watering. I am going to fix me some up very soon.