What are you in the mood for?


Babbling Farker
Dec 13, 2005
I bet the mods will be on this in less than three mins with the title! Anyway What are you in the mood for? For lunch! Decided healthy was good today so it is a large Chef salad with smoked ham, smoked turkey hard boiled egg and a half of mater? Diet coke and big glass of Ice water. (Still at work mod)
I want a pulled pork samich with slaw and some sweet tater fries, but instead i had cottage cheese and saltines.
I'd like World Peace and the chance to be of service to my fellow man. It's my feeling that by showing how much we care for one another we bring a little sunshine into a somewhat dark and dreary place.
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Hmmm, great I follow BBQ Grail, I am going to go get some smoked meat loaf.

I'm in the MOOD for a slab of ribs, perfectly smoked on my UDS, and slathered with some sweet & spicy sauce.

BUT.....since I'm at work, I had my "bring from home" lunch.....bologna sammy and Fritos with a nice big apple, fresh from the orchard behind my house.

Oh well........
Like ole' Mick always said.......
"You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes.....you'll find.......you get what you NEED!"


Maybe I should have made a salad too?:shock:
I'm all for the save the baby whales and peace on earth and save the snail darter stuff but what I'd really like right now is a nice plate of spaghetti and meatballs with tangy tomato sauce.
Had a big salad for lunch. I'm really in the mood for some fajitas hot off the grill with a nice frozen margarita to wash it down!
I'm in one of those funky moods where I don't really know what I'm hungry for. I guess I'll have another beer and think about it.
