"We figured you'd cook everything" (pron)


Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 4, 2012
Wheaton, IL
This last weekend I attended a bachelor party at a friend's cabin in the middle of northern WI. When I got there, the guys at the party had already decided that I was going to be "in charge" of Saturdays dinner. They assumed that since I was there, I would be "using my bbq skills for the greater good." I literally had no equipment with me other than a few months of BBQ Bretheren post-reading and a open heart. They had a standard Weber charcoal grill on the premises and not much more. I left for the nearest po-dunk grocery store with a "challenge accepted" mindset and came back with 3 small pork butts (all they had left) and a bag of charcoal.

I lit the coals and stacked them all to one side of the grill. Fortunately, there was an apple tree on the premises which made for great smoking wood (broke it up, wrapped pieces in foil with holes poked). I filled 2 bread pan size foil pans one with water, one with beer (Milwaukee's Best, easy to spare) and put those over the coals, followed with all 3 butts on the non-coal side.

Safe to say, I was a bit nervous as I haven't done any smoking outside of my Masterbuilt Electric (I know, lame, but I've learned the error of my ways and am currently in the market for a BGE. Custom building the table right now), but I HAVE been reading the BBQ Bretheren posts like a boss. I was excited at the thought of what could happen, but concerned that dinner could potentially be local pizza and a divot in my bank account.

The pork smoked like a champ for 4 hrs, followed with a 6 hour oven cook at 225 with a bit of apple juice and butter in the bottom of the pan. The 10 buddies at the party were overjoyed at the smokiness of the pork and I lived to tell the story. Thanks, Bretheren, you've made a man outta me.
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I'd feel extra proud seeing as how you've only ever experienced the electric side of the Q force. Now you have experienced the fiery Hellacious side, and it is much more tender an experience over here.