Walmart meat score!

You would have been silly not to purchase it for that price.

It may be enhanced, but so what, it;s still going to taste good. Think of it as brined meat.

Never tried the ribs, but I cook Smithfield butts all the time, they are great and very cost effective. Don't know about the "enhanced", nothing on the packaging on the butts to give an indication one way or the other.The ones I get are packaged different and look a little larger, 2 per cyrovac, average 7#-8# each, maybe they have different products for different customer bases?
Never tried the ribs, but I cook Smithfield butts all the time, they are great and very cost effective. Don't know about the "enhanced", nothing on the packaging on the butts to give an indication one way or the other.The ones I get are packaged different and look a little larger, 2 per cyrovac, average 7#-8# each, maybe they have different products for different customer bases?

Shoulders about 4-6lbs each, up to about 12% enhanced.
If you notice their lights on the meat are tinted pink so that adds color to their meat. However this wouldn't even be relevant to this post because those ribs are prepackaged by smithfield not walmart. I don't like walmarts packaged meat such as ground beef because it seems very watery and tough. But I will get ribs or chicken that isn't packaged there if it is on sale.

Nice score. You may notice a modicum of difference, but it will be slight. This difference in starting product can not make a bad cook good or a good cook bad.