Update Pron on Deboned Chicken


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Jun 4, 2004
As noted in the previous thread (http://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/showthread.php?t=101651)) I posted the other day, here are the "in process" pictures of the uncooked deboned chicken. When I was done preparing the chicken for tonight's Celtic Fest dinner, I threw a sirloin on the Performer for last night's dinner along with some fresh green beans and sautee'd zucchini.
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Looks awesome..But I need to start reading the info before looking at the pictures!
I was like "What the He!!???? Where'd that steak come from??"
Did you leave the legs bones in there? Was at as easy as Peppin makes it look?
Looks good, you are one hell of a deboner and cook. You changed that chicken into beef.:loco: LOL Looks good, has anyone posted how to debone a chicken/turkey. Would imaging the same only one is bigger. Been wanting to learn to do that.
Looks Great!!
I haven't had a Black Label since I was in the Army 20+ years ago, you could get a 6-pack for $2.25 at the PX
Looks awesome..But I need to start reading the info before looking at the pictures!
I was like "What the He!!???? Where'd that steak come from??"

Haha, I did the same thing..I was like "How did he get that chicken to look like steak? Amazing!" :heh:
Did you leave the legs bones in there? Was at as easy as Peppin makes it look?

The leg and thigh bones were removed and replaced with stuffing. I'm sure with repetition the de-boning of the chicken will get easier but it really wasn't that difficult. The sharper the knife, the easier it will be.
Jusr deboned my first chicken, watched the video and stopped at each section. not that hard but as mentioned above, did not look like his but with practice, should be able to master. Stuffed with wild rice, onion, garlic, mushrooms and spinach. Cooking now.