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Smoking Piney

somebody shut me the fark up.

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Oct 24, 2015
South Jersey Pine Barrens
Name or Nickame
Howdy, Pholks!

I just bought a trompo and watched a few videos on how to use it on the BGE. Some say indirect at 350 with the plate setter, others say direct.

I'm pumped up to use this soon. :-D

What say the Brethren?

(sorry for the typo in the thread title :oops:)
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I can't answer your question but am looking forward to seeing some cooks with it. I have a Summit Kamado and would like a Trompo for it.
I’ve never used a Trompo with a BGE, but I would think the plate setter would be the answer..if it fits.
You want indirect heat.
The are 2 general approaches I have used are either
1) smoking the whole thing until desired internal temp is reached and the slicing and eating. For this I do normal smoking set up and run 275-300. This ends up good but not quite what I am looking for when using the trompo for al pastor or shwarma.
2) High heat to cook the outside, shaving off outside layer and then keep cooking until next layer is crispy. This is along the lines with more traditional ways of using a vertical spit. The problem is without a vertical rotisserie, it will also end up a bit different then traditional.

I have used a hybrid method on my Primo. Indirect at around 275 until reached 135 (beef/pork) or 155 chicken/turkey. Then cranking up the heat as high as it can go and finishing off with indirect high heat sear. Shave off outside layer and return to high heat sear for a few more minutes. Repeat 2 to 3 times until everything is finished.
It ends up smokerier but less crispy when compared with traditional vertical rotisserie.