to cool or not to cool... that is the question


is Blowin Smoke!
Jul 21, 2005
i have a butt coming out at about 1:00am. usually i pull it while it is still pretty hot. tonight i would like to refridgerate it and pull it tomarrow, but i never pulled pork cold. can it be done? does anyone have any recomendations? thanks.
It will pull much, much easier hot.

But, I you really need to, it can be done cold.
Either way you need to do it will get it done.

I have actually put Brisket in a 180- 200 oven for 8 hours or so and then sliced/pulled it. Worked well.
Might work for Pork--would definitely be done :lol:

Agreed. The meat will contract when cooler and with less liquified fat is will make it harder. I've never done it though.

But if time is tight, you can do it and it will still taste pretty good. Just don't get frustrated it it does not pull the way you want it to pull.
If you have a medium igloo cooler, and your taking it out at 1AM and its around 190degrees, WRAP it tight in foil, then wrap it tight in a towel or 2 or 3, and put it into a the cooler. Take up all the dead airspace in the cooler with more towels. Use hot towels from the dryer, or put a hot water bottle in there with them. That butt can hold its heat load 12-14 hours in a good cooler. It will be around 140 tomorrow and overnioght it will do nothing but get more tender.
Agee with Phil, have done that with pork butt in the past when it got finished and I was not ready to serve. Cooler it, and it will stay in good pulling sondition for quite some time.
You will ne amased at how long it will hold heat in a good cooler. That sounds funny, hold heat in a cooler.
I'm still pretty new to the whole BBQin thing but the one thing I know is that you can get alot of heat retention from a cooler. I even use the cheap styrofoam units with alot of towels to hold my meat after a long smoke. Cooler it and pull it tomorrow while it's still hot a juicy. Might even be more tender(er)(er)(er) tha way after having set there for a few hours instead of 1 or 2 hours.
