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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Red & Green Chile simmering with onion, garlic and Goya Sarazon. This, whatever “this” becomes will involve previous smoked prime brisket and about a half pint of previous smoked brisket jelly. Salt & Pepper. You’ll know when I know what this becomes
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I saw "time to decide" and figured one of your cookers was fixin' to get let go.
Glad the family is still together- but by now they know better than to "get too comfortable"

I've done 3 briskets in the last 4 weeks - all for different people... the brisket jelly I claimed as "mine".

I'm sure whatever you come up will make me hate this ham sandwich...big time
Looks amazing.

I can go for that (yes can do)
Yes can do
I can go for that (yes yes yes can do)
I can go for that
I can go for that, yeah (yes can do)
this would have been good as a no tomato lasagna type casserole. I used about two tablespoons of Sucklebusters Taco Seasoning.
anyway a thought, if remembered for next time