The Moberg knocking down wait times

Wow......they really went up. My 24x60 was like 2800. Unfortunately I had to cancel my order.

I think it has everything to do with the steel tariffs. I'll keep what I think about that to myself. Their bigger units probably aren't as affected because they use old propane tanks. Still, the price is I assume with an insulated firebox, so you have to look at what you're getting. Unfortunately, I can't order anything until my wife gets out of nursing school at the end of the summer.
Wow......they really went up. My 24x60 was like 2800. Unfortunately I had to cancel my order.

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Yeah, I was hoping they'd come in closer to some of the other backyards in that size. Jambo is 2650. He used to do those 24x40 (?) that was sold exclusively at Terry Black's in Austin for $1500 and that was a steal.
Yeah, I was hoping they'd come in closer to some of the other backyards in that size. Jambo is 2650. He used to do those 24x40 (?) that was sold exclusively at Terry Black's in Austin for $1500 and that was a steal.

I saw one at Terry Black’s a year ago, but didn’t realize it was a Moberg. I just remember it looked like a heck of a nice smoker for the money.
I think it has everything to do with the steel tariffs. I'll keep what I think about that to myself. Their bigger units probably aren't as affected because they use old propane tanks. Still, the price is I assume with an insulated firebox, so you have to look at what you're getting. Unfortunately, I can't order anything until my wife gets out of nursing school at the end of the summer.

Still worth it. I actually think Sunny was really underpriced for a while. He’s definitely on my shortlist of the best pit builders out there.

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