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Hold on, I thought this was the bunched-up panties TD? :noidea:


That reminds me of your "Snags and Slaw" entry or at least what I can see of it. :becky:
That reminds me of your "Snags and Slaw" entry or at least what I can see of it. :becky:

Yeah, I had to delete that one. Even I thought that was in poor taste. :tsk:

For those interested in the uncensored version of the above, here is a link to the original Wood Pile post:

If my memory serves me correctly, Biggie posted a reply that told you how to get the uncensored version and I thought Ron_L even posted a pic, but not in this thread -- figured a moderator would do that. :doh:
My 2nd Official Entry into the "Noobians vs. Veterans" TD.

Hey, Mateys!!

After an initial showing in "Bucc's Breakfast Challenge" TD I'm pleased to provide breakfast for the SS Farkanaughty crew. A big slice of this will make Geritol unnecessary today! Dig in!

Special mention goes to Cowgirl for posting the original bacon skillet breakfast in QTalk.

Pics of the ingredients.



Cut off the largest section of bacon fat from each strip with kitchen scissors to prevent deep frying in the skillet.


The bacon weave in the bottom of the French cast iron frying pan.



Now adding slices of potatoes.


Next mixing the pulled pork with two eggs, fresh ground black pepper, onion & garlic powders and some Fiery Grill rub.


PP mixture added to the skillet.


Now the shredded cheddar added.


In Dragona for about 2 hours at 300'F. After about an hour and a half I thought the pooling of bacon fat was preventing the bacon from browning/crisping so I gingerly tucked paper towel between the crust and skillet to absorb and remove some of it. It crisped up soon after that.


A breakfast set out for hungry pirates -- camping plate, mug and utensils, re-purposed paper bag for a serviette (to save our frilly sleeves) and good rum to add a spark to morning coffee.


Please use the photo directly below for the voting thread.



Really good breakfast we gladly ate for lunch. That hot sauce was exactly the right flavour -- it's a thinner, slightly warmer version of Franks's Hot sauce with a touch less salt, a perfect match to salty bacon and salty cheddar.

Enjoy, Mateys!
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Well, looks to me like we've got this thing all wrapped up. Nice working with you all, especially Kathy. Glad I could help. :thumb:

It was a lot of fun and we should do this again next year.


Hey Kathy. Thanks for delivering the one-two knockout punch!

Hey we don't have to give the uni's back do we? :shock:
These be the scalawags I could shanghai, so far....arrrggghhhhrrrrrr......


looking for the rest....

Well Shucks! Looks like I missed to boat by being late!

Gee, I wonder if someone said that about the Titanic?

I'd sail with this crew anytime! Great work N8!

PM sent
Well I'm glad this throw down thread made it to 28 pages just to be ended abruptly by 2 great dishes from 1 person.

Next special throw down; Kathy vs everyone else?
Well I'm glad this throw down thread made it to 28 pages just to be ended abruptly by 2 great dishes from 1 person.

Next special throw down; Kathy vs everyone else?

Hey, what are you talking about? Al gets at least half the credit for being the captain, or was it Moose? Well, Moose should get at least 20% credit, and N8man made all those cool avatars and should get at least 20%. Then the rest of the crew provided all that great moral support that should be worth a minimum of 10%. If I count that up right, we could've put those two entries together without Kathy at all. :shock: