Smoked Fish


Babbling Farker
Jan 20, 2010
I have been having an urge to smoke salmon and halibut, however I do not want my smoker to smell like fish afterwards.

What can I do to eliminate the fish smell from the smoker?

Roughly how long does one smoke fillets for?
I smoke alot of fish, albacore, yellowfin, bonito, halibut, thresher shark, mako, but not salmon yet. Usually 3-4 hrs is all thats needed for me at 225*.
I have smoked fish on a saturday, and sunday through in some meat and never had a fishy taste or smell. Go figure. Its all smoke flavor.
I have smoked salmon before on my offset. I had a pan under the fish to catch the juices and oils and have never had a problem with it smelling like fish either.
I worry more about getting that meat smell out of my fish smoker. Winter run Steelhead is straight from heaven- pigs butt prolly took a different route.