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KnucklHed BBQ

Babbling Farker
Oct 14, 2009
Kalispell, Montana
Name or Nickame
Head KnucklHed
After a post by Brian, I was inspired to try out the Chick-O-Lator.

So, Umm, my Dad is the Rib-O-Lator guy. That being the case I figured that a post of my own pron might be in order. It follows thusly...

Now, before we begin, please don't judge me for not already previously trying out the ROL as a Chick O Lator, my near-sighted-ness did not allow me to clearly see the potential for the product that has been produced by the loins from which I've sprung.

Don't get me wrong, The Rib-O-Lator is great for rockin' outconsistently great ribs, I've done it over and over, It's just that the only thing I've used it for other than that is for Smoking cheese. Yeah I know, some of you are wondering how I made the quantum leap from ribs to cheese and missed all the stuff in between... I DONT KNOW, OK??!! It just happened.

And then I see this post by Brian my head caves in and my brain starts asking "why haven't you crammed your ROL full of meat and produced incredible things?" And I don't have any answer except "Umm, I was just about to do that same exact thing that he just did but he beat me to it, so now he looks like the big fat hero!"

Enough with the blah-blah-blah, more with the pics!

I used some Smoke-Rite Signature Rub on 1/2 the thighs (I add a little bit of kosher salt to the rub since it's a low sodium version) and one of the loins and my own spicier rub on the other thighs and this fellas rub on the other loin. Just so happens that this other fella is a friend of mine and Brad Orrison sent him a big ol' bag of rub to try out, well, that friend gave it to me. Seems like I'm dropping names here... I just want you to know what I used!

I love the way the signature rub turns out on the loin (and I'm not one to buy a rub and rave about it, I rarely find a "rub" that I'm happy with, if I do like one I usually "doctor" it ot my tastes) the only doctoring I do with this rub is add kosher salt to taste, or if I want it spicy, I add some of my homemade smoked chipotle powder to it. Turns out amazing every time I've done it.
But I've got to say, the Rub from Brad Orrison was incredible on the tenderloin! It has a salty/sweet not-all-that-spicy flavor. The finished product had an almost glazed sweet flavor but not sticky or sauced. The pics of loin that are cut up on the plate are the ones with the Rub from Orrison.
Alright, I said enough talky-talky already, here ya go.


Some lump in the middle for heat and some briquettes on the sides for "staying power"

I like to spray a bit of cooking spray on the loins to make them brown up and stay moist.


I like a mix of hickory and apple chunks and I add in some pecan chips every once in a while... gawd pecan tastes & smells great! Wish I could get chunks locally!

Things look like they're shaping up nicely. In hind sight, I would have tamed my fire directly under the ROL to give them a bit longer smoke, they were on there for about 1 1/2 hrs and cooked to 165 - 175 internal and the loin to about 165. I like loins cooked a bit quicker, seems like they crisp up and stay moist that way, thighs I like a bit more fall off the bone and moist and slightly pink in the center (not under cooked, just smoked to that perfect pink center point) 1 1/2 hrs for thighs is hardly my idea of BBQ chix.

Man I can hardly contain myself! The crisp night air, the gentle waft of smoke stimulating my olfactory organ... Next to heaven! Or is that the beer talking...


Call it what you want, I call it a shameless plug! Plus, I did the artwork and design for the box sooooo I godda get my props in here somewhere, right?? =)


Mmmm, time for some yum-yums.

Thanks for looking! This is my first post of my own creations, please let me know what you think! And don't think you have to go easy on me, I want some critique dam it!
Looks aweful clean to have been used previously.

Damn you're good! Actually, this is the first of the production models that I have been able to use, and the first time that I used it.
I'll post a pic of the Original Rib-O-Lator when I have a moment to set it up and take a pic, upload, etc... Oh it's rough lookin', you'll see! ;)
So strange... I don't think I have ever been called junior prior to today, and now it's happened twice in just a few short hours!

Brian - have you had a chance to try out that rub B.O.B. gave you the other day? If so, waddayathink? I only meant for it to be a brisket rub but Dad uses it on everything...
That batch if I remember correctly, didn't turn out quite the same as it did before when I had made it... not sure what it was but it was just a little different.

So strange... I don't think I have ever been called junior prior to today, and now it's happened twice in just a few short hours!

Brian - have you had a chance to try out that rub B.O.B. gave you the other day? If so, waddayathink? I only meant for it to be a brisket rub but Dad uses it on everything...
That batch if I remember correctly, didn't turn out quite the same as it did before when I had made it... not sure what it was but it was just a little different.

I did use it on some whole chickens last weekend. I mixed a little poultry seasoning into it and was pretty good.

It has the taste and consistency of Texas BBQ Rub Original and would be great for brisket! I've got some Organic Dark Brown Sugar that looks like the stuff, but yours is darker! What band did you use?
I'm pretty sure that I just used what I had at the moment, I think it was Kroger dark brown. And yes the kroger is quite a bit darker than C&H or any others that I've found. Not sure if thats a good thing or not...

There are a few other things in that rub that darken it up too.

That rub is what I used on our brisket @ the central market shin-dig, and I'm pretty sure that Dad had put it on the ribs that we ended up turning in too... Like I said, he puts it on everything, I personally think it's a bit strong for pork & chix...
Yes it is the one in the same...............

Paul B

Hmm, I thought CG was a Texas girl... not Oklahoma... Oh well! I get inspired from her creative works just the same! =)

In fact she made her bacon look so dang good that I've started making my own a few months ago. Best decision I've ever made. Dee-Lish!
Quote: Yes...that's my blog. Didn't we meet there before? lol :grin:

I do believe we did! great site you've got going there, I love it! =)

My dad mentioned that you had sent him a msg recently asking if he had a son named Ryan. That would be me. =)

Take care!
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I don't know about the rest of ya; but I think I like this thing, since my smokers are "size" challenged (time to get a couple UDS's under contruction for the winter project)
Quote: Yes...that's my blog. Didn't we meet there before? lol :grin:

I do believe we did! great site you've got going there, I love it! =)

My dad mentioned that you had sent him a msg recently asking if he had a son named Ryan. That would be me. =)

Take care!

I thought that might be you Ryan. Good to see ya! I did ask your Dad about you not long ago, he probably wondered why I asked. lol :-D Thanks for checking out my blog too.. I appreciate that Ryan. :wink:
Cowgirl love your stuff...

I used the ribolator on the drum last night....great results except we lost one to the god of coals.....Im sitting there with my freind and saying "The drum sure is putting out the smoke" FIve minutes later..."THats too much smoke"

Hey there are only three racks! THey came out great!