Question : Butt vs Pork Shoulder


Full Fledged Farker
Jan 18, 2010
Accidentally picked up a whole shoulder (16 lbs) instead of pork butt for the pulled pork I'm making tomorrow.

Thought it looked bigger (last time I bought two butts - makes sense).

The butcher only had boneless unless I waited till Sunday.

My question is - if I cook the whole large piece of shoulder like I would butts, will the shoulder still make for good pulled pork or will only the upper part be good? (Will the texture all be the same as well?) :confused:

Thanks :-D
There will be 2 different tastes\texture's between the Shoulder and the Picnic. Picnic will taste more Hammy, I prefer the Shoulder but to each their own. Try each, you could even mix it up.
I did a shoulder and I took the skin off and it was so good!! I've only done this once but I will be doing it again!!

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Thanks All - great replies and quick to boot..... Thought I'd gone and screwed myself but should be interesting to see what the difference between the upper and lower is.....

Just got a new house - now that I have a private backyard going to try cooking on the egg overnight with this 16 lb hunk of pork...

Will inject and rub and leave to marinade for 5 or 6 hours before throwing on the egg...

Usually the whole shoulder is not boneless ( or I have never seen one)... The whole "leg" will take a little longer to cook than 2 separate cuts of pork... Good stuff....
the shoulders make GREAT pulled pork imo...i ALWAYS take the skin off though, as I like bark....

ive never done a whole one, but I've done a butt and a picnic at the same time, just not connected!
Yes - boneless - and no, not two butts. I got to an actual butcher who supplies grocery stores, one of only two AAA butcher/abattoirs in the region... They cut them right of the pigs they have out back. For some reason they only had some shoulder that they had already boned left over..... I assumer they were likely going to ground them since a lot of ground pork in grocery stores is shoulder (as is sausage)......

I'll let you all know how it turns out - am interested to see if there will be any difference. Will throw it on tomorrow afternoon and cook overnight til 195 or 200......
