Pulled Pork Advice Needed


Knows what a fatty is.
Mar 23, 2009
Here's the scenerio. The pork butt is done at 7:00am. I wrapped it in foil, but people don't arrive until 6:00pm tonight. I'm going to let the pork rest in the foill for several hours, but am undecided on the best time to actually pull the meat and whether to refridgerate before or after I pull the meat.
If there are other ways to keep the pork butt fresh until 6pm, I'm all ears and very appreciative.
It's much easier to pull warm than cold. I have thrown it in the micro to warm it a bit then pulled though. Just don't go to far in the micro cause it will dry it out. You can also spritz with apple juice then heat in the oven covered with foil. Good luck and have fun.
I would let it rest for 3 hours (maybe 4 hrs). It should hold temp and stay HOT for up to 4 hours wrapped and in a cooler (with towels filling all space in cooler).
If I were to pull it in a couple of hours, spritz w/ apple juice and put 'er in the oven at 175 until guests arrive (about 7 hours), do you think it will dry out?
As I type this, it seems a no brainer that some refridgeration time will be necessary.
I just had the same issue with a brisket. I left it wrapped up in the cooler for 8 hours plus and it was still hot when I sliced it. I would just wrap it up good and leave it in the cooler. Check it an hour or so before and if it needs some heat throw it in the oven and then pull it. If you are worried about it colling down too much in that time hang your thermo out the side.
As others have suggested, wrap in towels and place in styrofoam cooler, they will stay hot for 6-8 hours. If you're going to sauce the pork, go ahead and pull at that point, sauce it and wrap with foil....if it needs to be reheated throw it on the grill or in oven covered