Pork Butt is on - Pr0n


somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 26, 2010
I ate at 9 different BBQ restaurants in Texas last week and not one of them served pulled pork.

Being a Virginia boy, PP is a bit of a staple when it comes to BBQ and I am wanting a good PP BBQ sandwich with slaw. So, I put a butt on the keg tonight to be served tomorrow rubbed with Smokin' Guns Hot and some C Docs rib rub. I'm using some VA hickory for smoke. Here is a pic after about an hour in.

I have a thermometer in the meat to track temps during the cook. I foil after about 3 hours and want to see how the internal temp changes during the first 3 hours.


Thanks for looking.
Ooo. That looks good. I've got an 8 pounder in the freezer calling my name. If I wasn't working tomorrow, I would smoke it.
The butt reached the stall stage in about 2 hours. My fire isn't running very clean and is putting out lots of smoke so I decided to foil early thinking the butt has gotten a pretty good dose of smoke already. We'll see.
Just an FYI for anyone who may be interested. I just did a probe test on the butt and the ends were pretty tender but the center was still not probing quite tender enough. So, I'm letting it cook a little longer at 300F.
Ok, after only 4.5 hours, the butt is resting in a cooler. I will give it another hour before I start pulling. I will post an update in about an hour.
Ok, after only 4.5 hours, the butt is resting in a cooler. I will give it another hour before I start pulling. I will post an update in about an hour.

Bo...4.5 hours is really, really fast.

Was there any resistance when you probed? It's a pain in the A** to
pull a butt that's not really ready.
It was pretty tender when I probed. But, I will post the results after it rests for an hour in the cooler. So, we'll see.
Tapping my foot impatiently as I check my watch...........
Yes, I much prefer the pulled pork I do at home over any restaurant I've tried. Maybe I just don't get out enough, but I still prefer my own. Or Greyeagle's. He's the one who taught me the basics, and I've read a lot here to learn about rubs and hot & fast.
OK, here is the finished pulled pork. It has to be the fastest PP I have ever cooked. It's tender, juicy, and full of flavor. I am pleased with it and can't wait until tomorrow for a PP sammie with slaw.


