Party got bigger, help



Superbowl was going to be just our family. Wife just informed me that 6 additional adults will be joining us. I have a 6.5 pound pork butt. Any thoughts on how much more I will need to feed 8 adults and 5 8-13 year olds?
how many of the 8-13 year olds are boys? I know my 2 boys (5 and 9) can do some major damage to my pulled pork
adding a chuckie or some burgers is a good idea. If you want to stick with just the butt...I'd probably grab another around the same size--besides...nothing wrong with having some leftovers :wink:
Butt load of hot dawgs.It will keep the little cretins/grommets away from the real food.:clap2:
Are these miscreants not contributing? Have them bring a side dish or something.

Generally look to have 35% loss on pork butt weight and at least 4 ounces per person if they are getting full portions.

1/3 lb. cooked meat is a hearty sandwich for an adult or teen boy. Typical yield for a pork butt is 50%, so, your 6.5 lb butt will yield about 3.25 lbs cooked, or about 10 sandwiches. If you cut back to 1/4 lb sandwiches you can get 13 sandwiches.

You either need another meat choice or another butt.
Thanks fellas, I got up early and prepped the WSM, drove to walmart and purchased a 7 lb shoulder, raced home and rubbed the new shoulder and got both on the smoker at 5:15. Looking good now..... made some mustard slaw and am preparing some other sides.