orgaizing and cooking

may or may not be considered bad form, depending on who the competitors are and if you plan to have an established entity like KCBS coordinate all aspects of judging..

that said, do you think you can be an effective organizer the days of the contest, if you will also be cooking ?
As a contest organizer, I would never attempt to anything on contest day other than take care of the contest. I would even be cautious about letting a teammate cook in the contest under your team name. If they win ....
If you organized an event and your teammate won GC, do you think that'd piss people off? If so, then no.
KCBS prohibits an organizer from competing in their own event.
Theoretically, you can have your own team enter your contest if you stay completely away during the entire prep and cooking process, but if your team gets any calls, be prepared for lots of complaining as has already been implied.

You will have more than enough to do as organizer. If your teammates don't mind hearing about how "the contest was fixed" over and over and you can be totally hands-off with them, then go for it. For myself, I prefer to keep it clean and simple and do one thing at a time.
You all have valid points. maybe ill talk to someone in the city and have them organize it. id probably lose my mind if i couldnt compete anyway. lol