Not Q but.......

Now THAT says home cooking! A fine looking cool weather meal. I can see why you went back for seconds.
Dang - that looks really good...since I'm doing keto, I would'a skipped the taters but I'd had more than too plates! LOL -- nice cook!
Damn, now I’m hungry and thinking of Loco-Moco.

Have you ever done that? It is basically the same thing but served on sticky white rice and topped with a fried egg with a runny yoke. Sooo good, your patties, onions and gravy would do well that way.

I do a Dish we call Stewy Rice Meat - stew meat diced small, browned then simmer cooked in lemon juice, onions, Cavenders Greek seasoning- for about 20-30 minutes minutes then add a cpl cans of crushed/petite diced tomatoes and simmer another 20-30 minutes- served over sticky white rice.

Added a can of Black beans thus time just cuz........ I usually eat Too Much of this too...... :loco:

