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That would be a great lid for the UDS market. Just pop a hole for the exhaust, add a gasket and handle. Very little fabrication or modification.
Glad to hear that. They want to make a product that will be what we want. Hence the request for input from us. Super nice people as well. Rhey also want to know if there are other things that we need and want.
Will it come as unfinished steel or painted? Will they offer them powder coated? I guessing they don't porcelain coat.
The exhaust issue doesn't bother me....the price will be the only sticking point for myself and probably others. For me, anything over $50 (including shipping) would be too much, especially since I'd have to drill it for a handle and exhaust and add that hardware. For a little less than a $100 most of us can find some type of 22.5" grill which would give us a lid, a cooking grate and a charcoal grate.....or find an old grill used even cheaper. Just my thoughts....
As many have said regarding many different subjects, To each his own. I think the idea is a great one. Some like flat lids like I do, but some like domed lids and finding a used weber grill for just a lid can be difficult at best for some people. I posted ads on craigslist myself looking for them (when I was considering a domed lid) and never got one single reply. I am glad I decided to stick with a flat lid. They seal so good and to me they look much sleeker. Something about a domed lid on a barrel just looks like a dog with 5 legs. It looks awkward.

I doubt I will ever buy one as I already stated I am a member of the flat lid club.
The idea was to offer choices. I for one have two grates in mine and being able to mount the top grate higher is better.

As for price that will be deternined by demand. That being said I told them that in they should try and target the $50 to $75 range is where the need to be. As with everything less would be better.
I'm a cone lid fan;


Those are awesome. Love the Jake Skull:becky:
They could put a flat spot on the top of the dome to better accommodate a handle. That is not a bad idea. They do metal spinning. If you have never seen it go to youtube and watch a video. It is very cool. Thank you all for your input! I think the opportunity for us to design something from the ground up to meet our needs is a very cool thing.
As for price that will be deternined by demand. That being said I told them that in they should try and target the $50 to $75 range is where the need to be. As with everything less would be better.

Sounds good, but I wouldn't pay more that $65 shipped (that'd be my bottom line). When it approaches or hits $70 it starts making me get jittery. But that's just me.
They could put a flat spot on the top of the dome to better accommodate a handle. That is not a bad idea. They do metal spinning. If you have never seen it go to youtube and watch a video. It is very cool. Thank you all for your input! I think the opportunity for us to design something from the ground up to meet our needs is a very cool thing.

Don't you want your exhaust on the top center?
If your drum sits on a cart, bricks, etc., it's easier to have a handle placed on the side of the dome.
What gauge and estimated weight?
I know the original gauge steel was to match the drum. I think it was 20 gauge. Not sure what the final decision has been. I do know the cost has been taken in to consideration.
I will speak with Jeff tomorrow and pass on suggestions. I hope that some of you have also written him emails letting him know what you want including price point.
Thank you again for your help!
What if you put an exhaust at the top center and added a hinge on the back side. You could attach it to your drum, and add a handle on the front to lift it open? It would keep you from setting your lid on the ground or try to hang it somewhere. Also if the exhaust were heavy enough it could act as a counter weight.
I didn't read through the whole thread but I would suggest an integrated hinge system. Perhaps just as an add-on option but if you are designing and fabricating it, might as well have a plan for one too.
Interesting. I would also be stuck at the $50 limit. You can buy an entire Weber grill for $100 and off brands even cheaper. Another factor is the finish......painted?, primed?, what? $50 and you still have to work on it plus a handle, vent, paint.......adds up.
Great questions. I am not fabricating the lid. It is a design the Toledo Metal Spinning came up with to possibly meet the BBQ community's need. I was looking for a domed lid and contacted them. At the time they didn't have anything that would work. However they were intrigued. So what they decided to design a lid. This is what they came up with. I am not sure if they do welding or not. You can email Jeff at [email protected]. he can answer any question you might have.
I think it's a nitch market that some money could be made in. Good idea. My thoughts are "just keep it simple". People will mod everything to their own taste and if the price doesn't agree with them, then they don't need to buy it. These drums are so uncomplicated that it frustrates me a little when people try to complicate them. I'll stop before I rant......
Good Idea hope you make a little dough!
Here's mine....