Modern Technology, Smoking and KCBS



With all the computer controlled stokers, instant read digital thermometers, etc. currently allowed by KCBS rules, what's the deal with not cooking with gas or electric?

I've heard a lot of people wondering why KCBS is so freaked out about gas and electric.... I don't give a hoot how your heat is produced, if you can't cook, gas or electric ain't gonna help! I choose to smoke and grill primarily with wood or charcoal, but sometimes in the interest of speed and time, I use gas for grilling. Let people use anything they want, if the appearance/flavor/tenderness doesn't stand up to what wood or charcoal can produce, they won't be using gas/electric long. :boxing:
I think KCBS requires wood and charcoal to separate itself from the average backyard cook thowing a few burgers on the grill. Even with computer controllers, wood and charcoal requires a little more thought and understanding than gas. My stoker controlled offset still requires the fire to be built in a certain way to work well. Even a pellet smoker raises questions about what blend of pellets to use, the ratio of fuel to flavor wood, etc.
And what about solar?

"Fires shall be of wood, wood pellets or charcoal. Gas and
electric heat sources shall not be permitted for cooking or

Solar is not a fire, so by the rule it is not required to be of wood, etc., and it is not specifically prohibited like gas and electric.

When the sun comes up in the morning, point your solar oven towards the sun, and put your meat in it to hold it or finish cooking it. Legal, or not?

In line with the first post, at this point why not allow any heat source?

If wood/charcoal is so much better, than what is the worry?

If wood/charcoal will beat gsas and elecrtic every time, then why not let them pay an entry fee to donate to the prize pool?

It would certainly simplify the rules, and stop people from trying to find technicalities to get around them.

If you can make better Q with a microwave, then go for it!

The rule would read like this: "Cooking shall be to a safe temperature with any heat source(s)."

Definition of BBQ from Wikipedia

Barbecue or barbeque (common spelling variant)[1] (with abbreviations BBQ, Bar-B-Q and Barbie), used chiefly in the United States, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia (called Braai in South Africa) is a method and apparatus for cooking meat, poultry and occasionally fish with the heat and hot smoke of a fire, smoking wood, or hot coals of charcoal.
The term as a noun can refer to the meat, the cooking apparatus itself (the "Barbecue grill" or simply "Barbecue") or to a party that includes such food or such preparation methods. The term as an adjective can refer to foods cooked by this method. The term is also used as a verb for the act of cooking food in this manner.
Barbecue is usually done in an outdoor environment by cooking and smoking the meat over wood or charcoal. Restaurant barbecue may be cooked in large brick or metal ovens specially designed for that purpose.
Barbecue has numerous regional variations in many parts of the world.

Ant Mention of Electric or Gas? Nope

:becky: Game Set Match :heh:

I agree, bring on the electric and gas. 4 hours in the smoker, wrap and put in the Alto Sham. :thumb: Convection oven chicken!

Now where did I put that toaster oven?
While I agree with the sentiment that at the end of the day the best product should win, no matter how it was produced, I think that we as a collective group of barbeque enthusiasts need to do what we can to preserve the traditions of authentic barbeque. Barbeque is not something that can be made in an oven or crockpot and while there are some decent electric and gas units that produce some solid que it is our duty to embrace tradition and defend what is really the only truly authentic American cuisine.

I started smoking on a gasser, and it served me well, but leave the gas and electric smokers to the backyard and restaurants. The highest level of competition que should be cooked with wood, fire and smoke!
Definition of BBQ from Wikipedia

Barbecue or barbeque (common spelling variant)[1] (with abbreviations BBQ, Bar-B-Q and Barbie), used chiefly in the United States, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia (called Braai in South Africa) is a method and apparatus for cooking meat, poultry and occasionally fish with the heat and hot smoke of a fire, smoking wood, or hot coals of charcoal.
The term as a noun can refer to the meat, the cooking apparatus itself (the "Barbecue grill" or simply "Barbecue") or to a party that includes such food or such preparation methods. The term as an adjective can refer to foods cooked by this method. The term is also used as a verb for the act of cooking food in this manner.
Barbecue is usually done in an outdoor environment by cooking and smoking the meat over wood or charcoal. Restaurant barbecue may be cooked in large brick or metal ovens specially designed for that purpose.
Barbecue has numerous regional variations in many parts of the world.

Ant Mention of Electric or Gas? Nope

:becky: Game Set Match :heh:


Wikipedia is the VERY FIRST place i go for an accurate, definitive answer... NOT! :boxing:
While I agree with the sentiment that at the end of the day the best product should win, no matter how it was produced, I think that we as a collective group of barbeque enthusiasts need to do what we can to preserve the traditions of authentic barbeque.

OK, "let's preserve the traditions of authentic barbeque."


Wikipedia is the VERY FIRST place i go for an accurate, definitive answer... NOT! :boxing:


Ok, I was just trying to end the same arguement that comes up every 6 months on the forum. Look at any definition of BBQ and it says wood or charcoal.

The true reason we don't cook on these things is because that is not how real men (and real women) cook BBQ. The BBQ Gods appeared to the first humans and gave them meat. When the first man came out of the cave and looked upon that poor little piggie that fell into a flaming pit of coals, smelled that sweet bacony smell of roasting pork fat, then grabbed his obsidian knife cut into and savored the juicy cooked swine flesh, it was not plugged into the cave wall. When the Carribean and Polyneasian tribes cooked succulent whole hogs burried under mounds of banana and palm leaves, it was not with a burner and propane tank. BBQ is cooked over wood, be it Logs, Charcoal, or (please BBQ Gods don't strike me down for saying this) pellets (shudder) they are all made of wood. Traditions are Traditions, you have to draw a line in the sand and no gas and no electric is that line. If you want to disrespect the BBQ Gods go ahead, but I value my soul. If you want to cook on these mediums go right ahead, but go form the GEBS (Gas and Electric BBQ Society), please stick to it for the piggies
Im not a seasoned pro... but let me say this... I cook with a stick burner ... no electric... no gas.. and its a contest of know how... anyone can plug in and make a decision about what pellets to use... or what temp to cook at... the skill and knowledge to hold our cookers at temp without gadgets to assist you is old school cooking... lets keep it to just wood and charcoal ... keep the treagers and such at home ... all im saying
OK, "let's preserve the traditions of authentic barbeque."



These would both be legal methods to cook (although the organizer might not like you digging holes on their grounds). But if raised up, there is no reason why you couldn't cook this way. In fact I have seen someone at a contest cooking over an open fire...Johnny Rotisserie.

But tradition doesn't have to mean the very first way something was done. Traditions can evolve over time. Maybe someday gas and electric will be considered traditional. We aren't there yet.
Isn't it still too warm in most states for this discussion to be up for debate? Just wondering out loud............... two more months, please. JK, of course. :-D

It starts earlier and earlier every year.
With all the computer controlled stokers, instant read digital thermometers, etc. currently allowed by KCBS rules, what's the deal with not cooking with gas or electric?

So if I am reading you right, you are suggesting that KCBS allow gas or electric? If so, that means I can put a gas stove in my trailer, preheat the oven, put my meat in a pan, a pan of wood chips in over the burner, close the door, turn on my exhaust fan, and sit back and relax until done..... sure beat tossing them logs in the fire all night.... :thumb: