Meat grown in laboratory in world first


Full Fledged Farker
Dec 4, 2005
Wantagh, NY
Will it take on a smoke ring?

Meat grown in laboratory in world first

Scientists have managed to grow a form of meat in a laboratory for the first time, according to reports.

Published: 9:10AM GMT 29 Nov 2009

Vegetarian groups say there was ?no ethical objection? if meat was not a piece of a dead animal. Photo: GETTY

Researchers in the Netherlands created what was described as soggy pork and are now investigating ways to improve the muscle tissue in the hope that people will one day want to eat it.
No one has yet tasted their produce, but it is believed the artificial meat could be on sale within five years.

Vegetarian groups welcomed the news, saying there was “no ethical objection” if meat was not a piece of a dead animal.
Mark Post, professor of physiology at Eindhoven University, told The Sunday Times: “What we have at the moment is rather like wasted muscle tissue. We need to find ways of improving it by training it and stretching it, but we will get there.
“This product will be good for the environment and will reduce animal suffering. If it feels and tastes like meat, people will buy it.
“You could take the meat from one animal and create the volume of meat previously provided by a million animals.”
The scientists extracted cells from the muscle of a live pig and then put them in a broth of other animal products. The cells then multiplied and created muscle tissue. They believe that it can be turned into something like steak if they can find a way to artificially "exercise" the muscle.
The project is backed by the Dutch government and a sausage maker and comes following the creation of artificial fish fillets from goldfish muscle cells.
Meat produced in a laboratory could reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with real animals.
Meat and dairy consumption is predicted to double by 2050 and methane from livestock is said to currently produce about 18 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gases.
Animal rights group Peta said: “As far as we’re concerned, if meat is no longer a piece of a dead animal there’s no ethical objection.”
However the Vegetarian Society said: “The big question is how could you guarantee you were eating artificial flesh rather than flesh from an animal that had been slaughtered.
“It would be very difficult to label and identify in a way that people would trust.”
"methane from livestock is said to currently produce about 18 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gases".

This is why we need to kill them. And as long as they are no longer living- might as well eat em.
So....then i guess they could produce custom meats, right? Like say a statue of David in Brisket?

PETA knows more about terrorism than they do about good science, so I'd hardly look to them as a seal of good housekeeping. And in an era where people seem to want more simple and natural, the market is going to flip for meat raised in a test tube? Sounds like something we need to throw some of that spare TARP money at...move over NL govt; nobody can waste money like the US govt.

Sorry...the animal scientist in me got carried away.
YUCK!!!! . I bet peta people would taste better than that crap.
Whatever it looks like or taste like to start with, someoneone on this site will make it a future contender at the Royal!! LOL
What is the difference between this and GMO (Geneticly Modified Organism) grains. Vegetarians have an objection to GMO and so did most of world when they were introduced.
Talking with a pulmanary transplant doctor, he claims that they (who ever they are) have created a heart. Not human, but some sort of animal (perhaps rat?). He thinks they may be able to grow lungs in the near future. Crazy stuff...

(My mom has been in hospital waiting for a new set of lungs).