Meat from a pickup?


is one Smokin' Farker
Dec 18, 2009
Had some guys stop by our house yesterday wanting to sell us some meat from their pickup truck. They had a big logo on it for this company:

Anyone ever here of them, use them, buy meat off a pickup? what were your results, thoughts etc?
Next door neighbors daughter worked with them for a while they brought some from them said it was the worst Karp they ever tasted the stuff was frozen with water around the meat to add weight to it and when thawed it was mushy, soft and gappy it look like an abused hunk of squirrel he said it had no taste and was chewy. He ended up feeding to his dogs offered me some I politely declined trying to keep a straight face.
RR/ Mike
Might be ok, but I personally wouldn't buy any meat (or anything for that matter) from someone I couldn't find later.
Anyone stopping by my house to sell me something gets the door closed on them and I seriously doubt the quality of meat from the back of a pickup! Unless it's still on the hoof:rolleyes:
Few years back I was filling up at a gas station a few time they would come up and say it is the end of thier shift and only had a little left and could work me a deal. Same canned from several different people. Sorry No thanks I am a vegan....:heh::heh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Don't do it! :mrgreen: Seriously when I first moved into my new house one of these guys came around while I was working in my garage. He gave me his line and I told him no thanks and have a great day. Which meant get the hell out of my garage before I physically remove you. He went walking back to his truck so I went inside to grab something and when I came back outside he had spread a bunch of packages of frozen meat on the floor of my garage. I was like WTH get that crap out of my garage now. He would not take no for an answer. Why don't you want to look at it? Its top quality. I said yeah I wouldn't feed that to my neighbors dog. He continued with his sales pitch and I stopped him one more time. Get your crap meat off my floor and off my property because the next time I come outside its with my 12 gauge. Never did see him or any other meat salesman in my neighborhood again.
They usualy have a crest freezer straped in the back of the truck. It sets in there melting all day, when they get home the plug it in till they leave the next day, how many days it stays in there melting and thawing is any bodys guess.
I wonder if they know the guys who work at the loading dock where they just got 8 extra EV Voice of the Theater speakers that they can't return but will sell to you cheap.
I got suckered for$250 off a similar outfit, Then I researched the meat labelling requirements for USDA and learned a lot. If there's any ingredients besides meat , THEY HAVE TO SAY SO ON THE BOX- it'll say "this product has not more than 15% sodium sorbitol, etc". That means it's injected with butter flavor, salt and food coloring, and you're paying for that in weight.

Anyway just know what you're getting, I'm sure the meat won't kill you and fake buttery steaks don't taste half bad, but it's probably hardly worth the price when you consider it.

PS- I called the meat guys and politely asked them to return my check, and they actually did.
Did a google search on them and there are a ton of complaints and the followups from reps seem questionable on many of them. Glad I missed those pieces of meats.

I figured with all the people on here someone was bound to have experience with them or some good advice. :-D

I'm from Iowa and we don't have any trucks runnin around here sellin meat except Schwans and I'm not to sure on how good there meat is anyway.

Would you buy life insurance from a pick-up? That's what I thought, if there's an issue I want to go to my local address and take care of it face to face!:thumb:
Same thing happened to me. But out here they're called Atlantic Beef, same sales tactics. The first time they stopped there were 2 of the shadiest people you'll even meet and they took out chicken, steaks, and whatever else that was suppost to be, spread it out all over the ground and at that point they had to go. They also wouldn't take no for an answer. I think they finally saw i was fed up by the look on my face which was about 1 second from going from "get out" to "i'm getting my gun". The second time they stopped the guy was actually very polite and i firmly said no way and told him about the last guys and he appologized and left. Food looked like absolute crap.
Tell them to add you to the " do not come by again" list.My neighbor bought some from a traveling truck and said it was the worst food he ate.
I had a guy stop by my house and it sounds like the same kind of deal. He said it was the end of his shift, he's got a bunch of extra steaks, and would give me a great deal. I said "no." He said he'd throw in a bunch of free steaks. I said "no" again and he left. The next day I put up a "no soliciting" sign near my front door.
Had a similar situation with a Vacuum salesman a few years ago. When I went to shut the door he stuck his foot in the way so it wouldn't shut. The next thing he knew he had a .38 pointed right at him. Yes it was loaded. He left quite abruptly. Cheers!!!
I am embarrassed that they have Iowa in their name. Do not buy anything from them. My parents fell for that. I looked at the meat and they trimmed all the fat off. They charge you for the price with the fat then give you the meat all trimmed up. For the amount of meat that they purchased, it came to something like $20/lb. It is one big scam.
The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the cheap price is forgotten. We get those guys coming in my shop about twice a month. I direct them out the front door and show them the no soliciting sign they walked by when they came in.:thumb:
Apparently being illiterate is a prerequisite for them.