Roll Call. Inside 30 days. Madison Ribberfest August 21 - 22

Hey Matt, Laurie told me that all of our cousins, uncles, aunts, friends & neighbors have called and are all fired up, ready for us to feed them all weekend.
We might as well throw in the towel.
Matt, nevermind. They all heard you was going to be there so everybody decided to stay home.

Mushrooms are on order.
The Flying Burritos will be rolling in Thursday evening. Someone save us a spot in front of the pool. We don't want to draw too much attention walking through the crowd in our new Burrito G-strings!


The Flying Burritos
Yeah that its what I hear. Walked throught Doug's, two GCs and Paul's, two third place finishes.

Dale all I try to do is help in any way that I can.
The Rep team of Grinstead, Grinstead & Gould are counting the days. Scott & I suggested Gould, Grinstead and Grinstead but Linda over ruled us.

See everyone in a couple of weeks

Hey Matt, Laurie told me that all of our cousins, uncles, aunts, friends & neighbors have called and are all fired up, ready for us to feed them all weekend.
We might as well throw in the towel.

tell them to stay home. I did !
Divine Swine and Packin' Heat will be there sometime Friday morning.

Chad--you may want to lay off the Jack this time!

Jesse (Ed Oaks' buddy)
Lippy quit giving away our secrets!
I cant wait to see Chris, Connie and their helpers.