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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Jul 1, 2013
Grayslake, IL
The Throwdown this week is "Probe Tender" Some idiot (me) thought it would be fun to do a long cook without the aid of any temperature devices. Can't know what your pit is doing or what temp your meat is. Sounded like a good idea at the time, so let's do this!

Well.. I really wanted a briskey for this throwdown challenge, but after going to three walmarts (one is too many in my opinion) I gave up on looking for a packer and moved on to short ribs today.. Went to a little butcher shop down the road, and got these shorties..

Its kind of funny.. Its the third time I've bought these from this shop. Always the same guy behind the counter. He always says, "What the hell are you going to do with those?" and gives me this look like I'm crazy. And I keep thinking, I hope he never figures out these are worth something. Anyway.. They're prime, I watched him carve them right out of a side of beef. They were a little different cut than the last ones I bought, but Waaaay more meaty, and look at that marbling!

After I bought those ($20 for 5 1/2lbs!) I went to the store for sides and they had beef backs for 2.99 a lb so I had to get some.. Here's both seasoned up. Shorties got Black ops, Backs got bovine bold. I like both of these rubs, but I feel they both lack kick, so I add some homemade jalapeno/habanero powder to the rub.. Real good

Got the barrel going. Note the covered thermo. Just about a full chimney of coals, and three holes open = around 300ish once it settles in. Sometimes a little more, but whatever...

Oh, and I should mention its 5 degrees here, negative 10 wind chill and 20-30mph winds. IT SUCKS. (5 degrees=-15C for you Aussies)

Once the drum settled in I added the ribs, then tucked mr barrel into a blankey and added the chimney for Wind protection..

Two hours later -

That's pretty far along for 2 hours, so I closed off a hole. I'm guessing temps were probably 325-350ish, but who the hell knows. I wasn't planning on dinner at 3pm so I slowed it down a bit...

Back ribs finished about an hour later. Did a little QC on the edges. Yep, they're ok...

Wrapped them in foil and put em in the fridge for tomorrow.

Big boys finished about an hour later. Note the bamboo skewer. My only means of checking for doneness

Wrapped these in foil and put them in the big metal box under my stovetop to rest. Then I cracked a beer and prepped for sides. I had about 45 minutes till everyone got home, just enough time..

Made some Gnocchi with tomatoes, garlic, and fresh herbs, and some green beans with garlic, shallots, and home made bacon.

Dinner is served. Oh yea!

Thanks for lookin!

If you guys think you can cook without lookin' come join us in the fun at the throwdowns. It was really a lot of fun. Seriously, give it a shot, may change the way you think about cookin'.
$20 for 5.5 lbs is pretty cheap DOUBLE that for me around here....nice find and that rib looks AMAZING.....
Thats awesome Matt!

Tell me about that beer?

The big boy has a nice smoke ring and looks Great
Thats awesome Matt!

Tell me about that beer?

The big boy has a nice smoke ring and looks Great

Thanks, Paul! The beer is an IPA from Chicago. Revolution Brewery. Kind of low abv compared to a lot of stuff I drink, but it's a really great beer. Nice and crisp, not overly hoppy. Great flavor.
$20 for 5.5 lbs is pretty cheap DOUBLE that for me around here....nice find and that rib looks AMAZING.....

Thanks! Yea, man. Everywhere else they are 6 bucks a lb, but they only sell them as individuals. I hope this guy doesn't ever realize I'd pay twice as much!
Great price for sure but some SERIOUSLY good lookin Q!! Respect for the no thermo bbq skills in the cold weather!
Very nice Shaggy. As I mentioned in the TD thread, you made me have to find something else to cook. I was gonna do beef bones, and there was no way I was gonna do it to those Kobe steaks today...
Great cook!! Always fun to go gadget-less.... it's easy to forget, bbq is for fun!

Might try to do a no-thermometer cook soon, but facing some tough conditions (see attached).


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Thanks everybody !

Very nice Shaggy. As I mentioned in the TD thread, you made me have to find something else to cook. I was gonna do beef bones, and there was no way I was gonna do it to those Kobe steaks today...

Sorry, Terry! Didn't mean to steal it. I was really hoping for a brisket, but there were just none to be had up here. No rule says only one rib per throwdown though... Bring it on!

And no, I sure hope you wouldn't cook those steaks that way!