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Spectacular shorties. Have you decided what you will be choosing for the next TD category yet?
Tremendous !!!

Cooked w/o therms for two decades until I had to hold a conversation on the InterTube.......:biggrin1:

My old chargriller COS had a thermo in it, but I ruined it cooking steaks when I pegged it. Everything was 225 after that. I think I bent the spring. Got used to not having a working thermo for quite a few years till I finally built a UDS.
They look fantastic! I live on the southside and did the same thing, no thermos just some charcoal and wood. Too cold to even mess with anything else. My pork came out great and it was fun and relaxed without constantly monitoring everything.
Beautiful cook, Shagdog, the meat looks excellent, you honestly did not need gadgets. Great meal, I bet the family was happy when they arrived home. I love the idea of a no-gadget theme, would have loved to jump in if I could. I've been missing a lot of good themes, this one really brought it to my face.

Aw, thanks sister! We miss ya in the TDs! Would have loved to see you crank out some gadget free grub. Good thing about throwdowns, there's one every week!