Kobe beef, mega fat prawn, and a smokey joe... PRON


is Blowin Smoke!
Jan 10, 2011
So during another adventure downtown at the Lotte Mart (think super Wal Mart only in Korea), I spy slices of beef that do not look like the rest of the beef behind the counter. I can't read the writing but I know what it is. 5 slices and $10 later I have Kobe beef. This stuff is everything that it is hyped up to be. Barely seared on both sides, and then you get yummy goodness. Also had some huge prawn, and a couple ABT's. Others had bacon wrapped filet, and some T bones. Next time I am gettin a salt block to cook on for the true experience.

New developments! Somebody in the building purchased a larger Weber kettle (I think a silver 22"er) so I need to procure a couple bricks for charcoal management and indirect smoking.



Um, well they got ate too fast for the pics! I need to work on that, this has happened more than once trying to get after pics.
Um, well they got ate too fast for the pics! I need to work on that, this has happened more than once trying to get after pics.

You just have to be assertive! Stand in front of the food and yell "No one touches this food until I take pictures for my Brothers in Smoke!" :thumb:

BTW, I love prawn pron! :becky:
Wow! Things of beauty! Would've loved to have seen the finished product, but can't blame you for not snapping.