KCBS Numbers


Babbling Farker
Jul 7, 2006
My KCBS CBJ numbr is 21924. I sat at a judge table this past weekend in Emporia, KS with a guy whose number was 235. His wife was at a neighboring table and her number was 234. Both were master judges. Those are the lowest numbers I have seen so far. They were older but sure did not act like it.

What's the lowest number you've seen??
I've seen a couple that didn't have numbers. They were both MCBJs and I was told that they renumber you when you get the master so they might have had normal CBJ numbers. I really don't understand the CBJ numbering. I took a class in April 06 and I'm in the 9000's and I've met people who took a class in April 07 who are in the 20,000's. I figured they skipped the teens, but I saw someone this weekend with a 16,000. If they added 10,000 CBJs in a year the Bullsheet would be nothing but listings of classes and new members.
They switched from having separate numbering for KCBS member #s and CBJ#s to making yout CBJ # your member # at some point (not too long ago), from what I was told.
I also took a Judging class in April, last week I just got the badge and #22782. About a month ago I posted in the Judges forum of the WBBQA asking if anyone had received theirs yet, and another guy that took the class just got his #20073. Could be going alphabetically.

Puppyboy-Have you received a Bullsheet yet?

To tie everyone to the Data Base CBJ numbers has been linked to membership numbers.
I've seen a couple that didn't have numbers. They were both MCBJs and I was told that they renumber you when you get the master so they might have had normal CBJ numbers. I really don't understand the CBJ numbering. I took a class in April 06 and I'm in the 9000's and I've met people who took a class in April 07 who are in the 20,000's. I figured they skipped the teens, but I saw someone this weekend with a 16,000. If they added 10,000 CBJs in a year the Bullsheet would be nothing but listings of classes and new members.
Jerry and I are 1968 and 1972 and we've been around for 11 years.

Dr. Hofman I believe is about 64 I think