KCBS nepotism petition now online.

Jorge, one more thing....

Thank you for all of your work on this issue... I know that I'm not alone in my appreciation.
The results have been sent to the BoD. I'm also leaving the petition open. When the issue is resolved, one way or the other, I will end the signature period.

I want to thank all of you that took the time to take a look at the petition, and make up your own mind as to whether you wanted to sign or not. While I disagree with the proposed policy as well as the timing, I can also respect the opinion of those who don't agree with me.
well I am not sure how I feel personally anymore. On this subject alone should have been delt with years ago. Peace out on this deal.
Thanks again Jorge from us here at the Brethren Forum for all your hard work you put in for getting things going with the petetion.

I also sent my opinions in an email to all of the KCBS BOD's.
I got a personal response from two of the BOD's as of yesterday.
good! I felt the whole society was built around family and involving the family. A motion like this does nothing but try to aleinate the family values of working together, in my opinion of course...
reliable source said:
After a lengthy debate at the Board Meeting last evening and a procedural vote to stop debate, which was not approved, the author of the motion, the second of the motion, withdrew the motion ending debate and concluding this matter before the Board"

If i read that right.. The motion was withdrawn.
With the issue now resolved, I'm closing the petition and hoping that this issue will rest in peace.

I'd like to thank everyone that took the time to read the petition, whether they chose to sign or not. By taking the time to give it a read, you were a part of the process and as a fellow member of KCBS I appreciate it.
First, I want to thank each of you, for your support, and most importantly, taking the time to write to the Board of Directors, to express your opinion, on what I believed to be an important fundamental issue, of preserving the members right, to vote and elect those individuals, whom they believed would best represent their views and the best interest of Kansas City Barbeque Society.

During the past month we received in excess of 250 e-mails and a petition with over 100 signatures, expressing their desire to maintain the right of the members, to vote for the candidate of their choice without restriction.

After a lengthy debate at the Board Meeting last evening and a procedural vote to stop debate, which was not approved, the author of the motion, the second of the motion, withdrew the motion ending debate and concluding this matter before the Board.

I am please to inform you, that the Board listened to its members. This was a distraction from BBQ and we are pleased that we can put this issue behind us, and move on to the issues of sanctioning the greatest BBQ Competitions in the world.

Thank you again for your support and your time.
Sincerely yours,

Merl Whitebook
That's great new's

Keep up the good work Merl and Carol!!
Thanks Merl and Carol for all the hard work they have done in the past and future.

Your appreciated much more than you folks know!