KCBS nepotism petition now online.

I'm checking out for a couple of days. A good friend of mine passed away late last night, after a fight that lasted much longer than expected. I have some long standing obligations to him and his family to take care of over the next day or two. I'll get back to this as soon as I get home.
Signed with both KCBS and CBJ membership #'s.

Singnature #70
Here's my email today

I believe that if the BOD thinks we need a nepotism policy for the BOD then we certainly need rules about married Reps. There's far more chance of some impropriety at a contest with 2 reps than at a BOD meeting with 12 members. Voting for a nepotism policy for the BOD without looking at all aspects of this issue could result in a precedent that would cause the KCBS huge problems. There are many excellent husband and wife Rep teams and I have been extremely happy with them and believe that they would always act in an ethical manner. That statement also applies to BOD members.

Note: I totally spoort married rep teams and we need them to survive.