Jambo clone mod. Opinions welcome


Take a breath!
Jun 29, 2012
Detroit, MI
SO, question for long time jambo owners or pit builders. I have a pit modeled after a jambo. I have the 2nd shelf that obviously is hotter than the main level. it runs the length of the cooker. If you look at it this way, since the firebox opening is below the grate, couldn't I make some sort of baffle or tuning plates so it's not too much different in degrees on the top shelf? Something like the Horizon or Yoder plates with holes in them. Just a thought. I would love peoples opinions.
I think the only reason a Yoder has the same temp on the top shelf is they have a convection fan or something to keep the air moving. A Jambo with the heat coming in above the bottom grate and leaving below it just naturally won't have a lot of airflow up top, hence the "Texas Microwave" top shelf.
Short answer is yes... but if it is a Jambo clone shouldn't the FB opening be at grate level? Pictures please..