Italian Beef recipes?

If ever in Chicago area....the best Italian Beef I've ever had comes from a small joint
in Cicero(just south of chicago), called Scatchell's

other good ones
Portillos, Bueno(spicier), Al's(i dont care for the bread or spices though, nutmeg or something in it)

the above three are all chains with locations all over chicagoland
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Just an FYI....

You can make everything at home or if you want do searches.....
there are HUNDREDS of Aus Ju for Italian Beef you can buy in chicagoland, maybe can also buy the beef in prepackaged cryovacs.

My favorite to buy for home(cheaper than making at home).
Is a place called Perfect Pasta in Addison. I think I was paying between 5 and 6 bucks a pound for the meat and they throw in
the aus ju....lots extra too.

BTW...dont use ribeye doesnt come out tasting right....just make steak sandwiches with it.

The restaurants use huge pans filled with aus ju and the meat, over time the meat actually tends to get tough and dry out.

If you make at home, keep em seperate. only put the amount of beef you want on the sandwich into the juice to heat it through, or take
any color out of the meat if undercooked for you.