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Wandering around with a bag of matchlight, looking for a match.
Nov 5, 2014
Perth, Western Australia
Hi, my name is Damien and I am from Perth, Western Australia, the most isolated capital city in the world.

Here in Perth, Barbequing is generally throwing some steak or a few sausages (known as snags here) on a gas grill and true BBQ as you folk in the US know it, is only just starting to gain popularity so I have been trawling the interwebs searching for as much information as I can get about cooking low and slow with smoke and my google searches led me here :)

My first experience with smoking has been in my Dad's old Weber Kettle that has been sitting idle in his yard for around 30 years and when he died in July this year, it was passed on to me.

I have had some fun and some relative success smoking porks butts (not called butts here, so that always gets a laugh) and have smoked some bacon and tried to do a briskit but as you probably all know, smoking in a kettle is less than ideal so based upon the information I have obtained from this site, on the weekend I made my own UDS :)

The main reason I made my own UDS is because here in Perth, smokers are ridiculously expensive and even a 18.5 inch WSM is $699.00 in most stores!

Anyhow, that's me and as I mentioned I am pretty new to this whole thing so I look forward to learning all I can about the amazing art of BBQ.

Oh yeah, I play in 3 bands, if you want to know anything about them just ask, I haven't mentioned the names or placed any links here as I don't want to break the rules regarding private promotion on these forums (not that I am selling anything, just playing it safe coz I am new here).

Cheers :)
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Welcome to the forum Damien, sorry for your loss. Glad to have you join us and hopefully take part in the other forums.

We don't have a lot of rules here other than spam and advertising are NOT permitted, the rest is just common sense, courtesy, and mutual respect for one another. You'll soon find the Brethren are not a bunch of "know it-all's" who think their way is the only way. Even the seasoned users are open to suggestions, changes, and many will try new recipes and methods from time to time, which provide us with surprising results.

I recall my first visit to the Brethren, for months I was afraid to post and ask questions, even though I had experience under my belt. You'll find a great group of people here with a willingness to help and guide you, regardless of of how simple or how complicated you think your question may be. You'll also find that there are many ways to achieve great food, there is no single "cookie cutter" method as some have been conditioned to think. You'll just have to try a few different methods and soon you'll master the way that works best for you.

We'll be here to guide you and answer your questions as you begin your journey into smoking and BBQ. Pretty soon you'll go from asking questions to posting pictures of your progress, and we will all share in your experience as true Brethren.

We have many different forums here.... Below are just a few of them.

For discussion on BBQ/Smoking related topics, we have the "Q-Talk" Forum. This is a good starting point for all new Brethren.

For those who are interested in competing, We have a "Competition BBQ" forum.

We also have a "Catering, Food Handling and Awareness" and "Catering, Vending and Cooking For The Masses".

We also have a trading forum where members can trade sauces and rubs available from different areas around our country.

For general non BBQ related talk we also have "The Wood Pile" forum.

I hope to see you in the "Q-Talk" forum soon. You'll find help on almost every topic from cooking your first Pork Butt to curing and smoking your own ham and bacon.

If you can't find the topic you need help with, or have questions about a specific topic, just start a new thread in the related forum.

There are many members with years of experience that are willing to answer your questions and share their knowledge to guide you in the right direction. Collectively there is a wealth of experience and knowledge among the membership, including you. Don't be afraid to jump in there and share your knowledge and your experiences as well.
Damien, Welcome to the Brethren!! There is a wealth of knowledge and experience amung the members. If you have a BBQ or cooking related obsession or hobby this is the place to be. Sit back, soak up the knowledge and jump in there and be sure to share yours as well. If you can't find or get an answer to the question here then there is probably not an answer available.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the welcome :)
This is the only BBQ focused forum that I felt compelled to join, you people really seem to know your stuff and it looks like I have made the right choice.