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Don't tip a toe, just jump in. Welcome and just read a bunch of what is available here. Mom was wrong, it's cool to play with your food.
Don't tip a toe, just jump in. Welcome and just read a bunch of what is available here. Mom was wrong, it's cool to play with your food.
Well thank you again. Would u suggest I use chunks for grilling, or sawdust . I have s little brat and a big smoker first? I'm thinking to use the same one first to get used to it
Welocme, Beaz! This is a welcome section and not many people will see it and others will welcome you and head out. I'd recommend you head on over to Q-Talk and post your questions in posts individually over there. For best results, do not follow up with different questions later in the post. You can make follow-up questions, but make a new post for new, unrelated questions. The reason is the same. People will see that the question has been answered and head on out and won't read the follow-ups unless they're related, and it can become a big mess. Don't be shy with creating many posts. People don't mind one bit and it really helps keep things better organized.

Also, you're likely to get different, even contradictory advice! Don't let that scare you. BBQing is not an exact science. There are many ways to do it and none are wrong. You've got to see what works best for you and your pits. It also is very forgiving, generally. You just don't want to forget that you've got things cooking and take a nap or get caught up washing dishes. I learned my lesson too many times (I'm a slow learner), and always set timers to remind me.

As for some of your questions, I would use a fist-sized chunk of wood for grilling. That sawdust will burn up in a few seconds on a hot grill and won't do you a bit of good. As for chicken, I'd do the same thing. Also, beware of chicken. It really likes to absorb smoke (more than beef or pork, for instance). If you're grilling, it's not going to matter, but if you're smoking it at a lower temperature that chicken is a smoke sponge, and unless you love smoke, it can quickly be too much.

Again, Welocme and head on over to Q-Talk!
Gore gave some great advice. Everyone messes up thats how you learn. Jump in. Have fun. Enjoy your time here and ask lots of questions- There is no such thing as a stupid question
Welocme, Beaz! This is a welcome section and not many people will see it and others will welcome you and head out. I'd recommend you head on over to Q-Talk and post your questions in posts individually over there. For best results, do not follow up with different questions later in the post. You can make follow-up questions, but make a new post for new, unrelated questions. The reason is the same. People will see that the question has been answered and head on out and won't read the follow-ups unless they're related, and it can become a big mess. Don't be shy with creating many posts. People don't mind one bit and it really helps keep things better organized.

Also, you're likely to get different, even contradictory advice! Don't let that scare you. BBQing is not an exact science. There are many ways to do it and none are wrong. You've got to see what works best for you and your pits. It also is very forgiving, generally. You just don't want to forget that you've got things cooking and take a nap or get caught up washing dishes. I learned my lesson too many times (I'm a slow learner), and always set timers to remind me.

As for some of your questions, I would use a fist-sized chunk of wood for grilling. That sawdust will burn up in a few seconds on a hot grill and won't do you a bit of good. As for chicken, I'd do the same thing. Also, beware of chicken. It really likes to absorb smoke (more than beef or pork, for instance). If you're grilling, it's not going to matter, but if you're smoking it at a lower temperature that chicken is a smoke sponge, and unless you love smoke, it can quickly be too much.

Again, Welocme and head on over to Q-Talk!
Thanks a bunch. I was trying to locate the Q Talk ... where do I find that?