How much bbq sauce for 500 pork steaks

Honestly, personally I've only eaten pork steaks about 6 or 8 times in my life. They were delicious and I/we never had nor used any BBQ sauce... It's like asking; how much BBQ sauce on a beef steak, IMHO.

Probably want about 30 bottles of a mixture of different sauces, from A-1, Heinz 57, perhaps a few with BBQ sauce in 'em...
4 gallons gets you a little over a fluid ounce per steak.

If you are basting and panning them you may use less, but if you put sauce at the table.. bet 4 is spot on.

Pork steaks is the way to go, if you just cooked them your pork butt.... they would eat their weigh in it. That's the real stuff Bubba.
I have to agree with the no sauce folks. But many people who don't cook bbq think sauce is what makes it "bbq".

Meat and spogp (salt, pepper, onion, garlic, paprika) is all I would ever need on a nice pork steak.

For the general public, an ounce per steak is probably more realistic than my no sauce preference.
Zero sauce, sauce ruins most meats natural flavors.

You have to think of other people and their tastes and not just your own. What if a person likes the taste of BBQ sauce and thinks it adds to the taste of the meat? Cook the pork steaks as you like and just put the sauce on the side. I would say at least 2 gals of different sauces or 4 half gals.