How do you make a rotisserie ring on a weber kettle?


Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 23, 2010
I have done a search on how to make one, but haven't come up with any viable threads. If some one could link one or direct me to a good source that would be great.

I have a 10"x8' 18 guage polished SS piece of metal to make my rotisserie.

I am starting this today, its gonna rain so I am stuck in the garage for the day if I want to be outside.

I have the Weber ring and it sits inside the inside diameter of the kettle on three tabs. The top edge of the ring is bent out at a 90* angle with that flange being about 3/8" wide. Not knowing your metal working skills or what tools you have, you may need to make your ring large enough to go around the outside diameter of the kettle using some bolts resting on the kettle lip as supports. The cover should then fit the top of the ring nicely. Good luck and let us know what you end up with. As a side note, I made a ring for a drum in this way and it works well. Only issue with the ring to the outside is a small amount of grease will run down the outside of the cooker. But that's just some more seasoning imho!

Just had another thought. It will certainly be easier to make this by having the ring inside the kettle. Simply us 3 or four bolts as lower supports at the kettle and then on the top of the ring use another set of 3 or 4 bolts to support the cover. The bolts at top effectively increase the outside diameter and keep the top from flopping around. No grease escaping this way either!
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Always try to use a three poing anchor point. If using four and on bolt hole is off it will rock on ya. Our Wal Mart sells a rotisserie motor and shaft for $25.00 American. Have your camera out cause I want to see how you make out. Good luck.
I use a section of a 55-gallon drum as an extension ring. Where you cut it on the ribs is relative to whatever it takes to insure a tight fit between the Weber bottom half and lid.
I used a section of a 55 gal. barrel as well. I cut the top off, and then made my second cut along the top of the "rolling rib". This created a "flange" that snugs down nicely over the top of the kettle.

Cut a couple of slots for your rod, attach your motor brackets and you're good to go.