Holding dough


Babbling Farker
Aug 9, 2012
For those of you that work with dough for pizza, bread or whatever, how long can you hold dough in the fridge? I have some that I intended to use the following day and I wound up getting busy with something else, so now it's on day 6. Is the dough still useful for anything?

A refrigerator can be used to control the fermentation of yeast when proofing dough. Lowering the temperature of the fermentation produces a slower, longer rise resulting in more complex flavors.

To prevent the commercial dough from drying, air flow in a dough retarder is kept to a minimum. Home bakers may use cloth to cover dough that is kept for a longer period in the refrigerator.

I have held dough for two days, but never six....... I probably would toss it, but that is me...

Try breaking off a small piece and cooking it to see what it will taste like when baked and make a choice from your findings. Maybe you will have a version of sourdough pizza / bread.
Unless it's turned an odd colour or started to smell then you should be fine. The final dough structure might suffer a bit with the yeast having munched on the flour for so long, but you can try it and see
I'd use it. It may have more of a sourdough kind of flavor profile, but it will be fine. I can hold dough for up to 2 weeks in the fridge, but after 10 days, it will lose it's structure and I get a flatter boule or baguette. For pizza though, you'll be fine.
I make pizza dough every other Tuesday for weekly Friday nite Pizza and let it ferment in the frige to develop flavor.
I start my dough Monday so I have it for Friday or Saturday. I do adjust the yeast amounts when it sits in fridge longer but you should be good.