Green mountain pellet grills

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I don't own one, but I did cook on one that belongs to a Brethren in Milwaukee and i was impressed by his. It was well made and cooked evenly.
I have a jim bowie and use it at the kcbs comps.. we walked in pork and chicken pork got us a 4th chicken got us a 7th out of 52 teams great pit and I second larrys rec... tim and greenleafbbq aka oakpit great guy
I just bought a Daniel Boone model before Thanksgiving. I wanted it more for grilling than smoking but it works great for either! My one complaint is it is difficult to get the cooker up to temp this time of year, but that is due to the cold Iowa winter....a welding blanket etc would probably help with that.
thanks larry lol we had and still have a country smoker and it didnt get us a damm thing lol at any of the comps lol