Goat is a delicacy in some Asian countries

Man.. nothing beats goat.. We used to get them for nothing, just take them away from people who didnt want them any more or shoot them in the bush but over the past 10 years we have had an influx of indians and arabs come into the country and they will pay heaps for them. Consequently they are now as expensive as sheep.... I miss a good slow roast goat covered with fennel, rosemary and tyme...:cry:
I had my first goat a few weeks ago, it was chops from a kid they was wonderful. BTW goat is the most eat meat in the world.
Goat has really taken off in Iowa too. We have a large Hispanic population that has educated the rest of us on how good it tastes. The only downside is that the price has taken off with this new found popularity.
This is pitiful but we raised them, but I wouldn't eat them, They are just too cute as kids. But was forced to cook it for a comp and I have to say it is really tasty! The left overs were great in tacos.
While it is not BBQ the Mexican stew made with goat called Birria de Chivo is wonderful.

I'll probably smoke some goat this summer.