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Found some matches.
Sep 28, 2015
Hi Brethren, new member here. Received my new PBC last week, and as a complete rookie, had my first cook on Friday.

2 Boston butts, one 5 lbs, one 8 lbs. The little one was slathered in olive oil and rubbed with 'Memphis Dust'. The big boy got a mustard slather and PBC All Purpose Rub.

Hung the meat at 10am, pit temp around 300. Air intake 1/4 open as prescribed.

Pit temp fluctuated between 300 and 260 until I took the first meat temps at 1pm. 150 for the little one, 143 for the big. Not much bark or color at this point.

When the internal temps reached 160 at around 3:15pm, I pulled them from the cooker and wrapped in a couple layers of aluminum foil, adding about a 1/4 cup of Yuengling Black & Tan beer; just what I happened to be drinking at the time...

At around 4pm, the pit temp seemed to be dropping, so I gave the PBC a little shake, which cleared the coals and got it moving again. At 6pm, the internal temp reached 207 and they probed super tender. I probably should have removed them sooner, but got preoccupied. Whatevs.

Wrapped with towels and threw into a small cooler for 40 minutes while I ran to the store for coleslaw and buns. Mr. Prepared, as always...(sorry for the toe pics...)

Unwrapped and the things just fell apart, probably WAY overdone. Bones offered no resistance.

Shredded with a couple of forks, smelled great, tasted great. Not much bark, but that's ok. No plated pics, but white bakery buns with a little KC Masterpiece original made for a nice dinner. Wife loved it, and even though pulled pork isn't my fav, I thought it was really good too!

Larry also approved:

Sorry for the lousy iPhone pics, but it's all I have to work with.

Today's cook: Beef plate ribs!


Pit temp started dropping at around
Great job! Hey if you want more bark, let it go longer before you wrap. Looks great to me though! :thumb:
Just a question about the pbc in general......I love the idea of hanging the meat. I don't foil pork butts, unless they are done and I have to hold them. Anyways, I know lots of folks do foil, on the pbs do you foil it and hang it? Does the pbc also have a rack option to out the meat on? My initial reaction is that when a butt is close to being done it would come apart and fall free of the meat hooks, obviously there is a way to keep this from happening because so many folks use the pbc...just curious, been thinking about a pbc build and want some schooling on hanging meat.
Just a question about the pbc in general......I love the idea of hanging the meat. I don't foil pork butts, unless they are done and I have to hold them. Anyways, I know lots of folks do foil, on the pbs do you foil it and hang it? Does the pbc also have a rack option to out the meat on? My initial reaction is that when a butt is close to being done it would come apart and fall free of the meat hooks, obviously there is a way to keep this from happening because so many folks use the pbc...just curious, been thinking about a pbc build and want some schooling on hanging meat.

The PBC has a rack too. Most people will hang the butt until the internal temp is about 165, then wrap it in foil and put it on the rack.
Just a question about the pbc in general......I love the idea of hanging the meat. I don't foil pork butts, unless they are done and I have to hold them. Anyways, I know lots of folks do foil, on the pbs do you foil it and hang it? Does the pbc also have a rack option to out the meat on? My initial reaction is that when a butt is close to being done it would come apart and fall free of the meat hooks, obviously there is a way to keep this from happening because so many folks use the pbc...just curious, been thinking about a pbc build and want some schooling on hanging meat.
Im pretty lazy and start and finish the butts on the rack with zero hang time, dont see the point w Butts. Ribs, chicken and Brisket get the hooks though.

Nice first cook! you will enjoy the hell out of the PBC.
2nd cook, beef ribs!

Thanks all, really enjoying this thing so far. Second cook was beef plate ribs, which I've never made or eaten before; they were insanely good. Details of the cook are on the PBC Appreciation thread:


Money shot:

The leftover pulled pork became enchiladas, but they were pretty meh. I think I overcooked them...pretty mushy. Tasted good though.

Tonight, my first chicken cook on the PBC. Pics will be posted!

Nicely done When the butts are done let them vent a little bit- let out the steam if wrapped in foil before putting them in the cooler- helps to stop the cooking process