Feedback Chicken turn in please

Just Pulin' Pork

is one Smokin' Farker
Mar 8, 2008
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I'd go with a solid 7... To much sauce makes me wonder what went wrong under it... Size looks good and the box too!
I agree with Dive. Any time the sauce is on really heavy, it makes me wonder what's being covered up.
7 possibly 8(with a clearer picture)...although the sauce IS heavy I dont think judges should speculate on possibly WHY its sauced heavy and score down because he MAY be covering something bad up. Its pure speculation at that point. Score for what it is..not what it possibly could be. Thats the way I was told in CBJ class a few years ago anyway.
Maybe he just likes a lot of sauce. if it is too much then it will reflect in the taste score.
I agree with Dive. Any time the sauce is on really heavy, it makes me wonder what's being covered up.

Dave, I'm not a judge and have never judged. But I wanted to ask why you would judge down on appearance for what you think the sauce "may" be covering up or what went wrong? Why would you not just judge it as it is, and if the reason for not giving a high score use the reasoning that there is just too much sauce and it does not look as appetizing as it would have if there would have been less sauce on it?

ps: I don't disagree that the sauce appears really thick,
7, possibly an 8 with a clearer pic. A little too much sauce for me, but that doesn't factor in my scores. Box looks pretty good. A little yellow tinge on some parsley.