Columbia, MO - County Fair & BBQ Contest July 22ond and

I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said!

Great meeting all of you, and you are more than welcome in our camp anytime!

Darrel and Gary and T, wouldn't be the same without you guys and gal!

Belly 2 and I already talking on how to make next year even more fun. Jay we are dfinitly going to have to have the same set up and we are going to rent one of those big ass tents! We'll bring the sound systm next year as well!

We need to find out the date for next year and see how many Bretheren teams we can get there! Also reserve rooms early as Show Me games are always going on at the same time!!!!!!!

Cracker!, we will figure out a place to meet so we can cook together! We may bring a hybrid team down and cook!

Also might come to Florida just to fih, swim drink, in no particular order!!!!

Thanks agtain everyone!!!!!!!
Bellybro said:
I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said!

Great meeting all of you, and you are more than welcome in our camp anytime!

Darrel and Gary and T, wouldn't be the same without you guys and gal!

Belly 2 and I already talking on how to make next year even more fun. Jay we are dfinitly going to have to have the same set up and we are going to rent one of those big ass tents! We'll bring the sound systm next year as well!

We need to find out the date for next year and see how many Bretheren teams we can get there! Also reserve rooms early as Show Me games are always going on at the same time!!!!!!!

Cracker!, we will figure out a place to meet so we can cook together! We may bring a hybrid team down and cook!

Also might come to Florida just to fih, swim drink, in no particular order!!!!

Thanks agtain everyone!!!!!!!

anytime I lookforward to it.
I will be in Dillard, GA Qin next weekend up by the NC and GA border.
GA state championship..... it should be fun...bring it!!! the blender that is.
later bros