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Knows what a fatty is.
Feb 27, 2010
Murrieta, CA
National Hot Dog Month is almost over AND I was hungry for a snack...

Why would anyone want to make such a monster? Because you can AND it was really incredible! Also - July is National Hot Dog Month - do you really need any more reasons?!?

You can add just about anything you want to a fatty or bacon explosion. The list of potential ingredients are limited only by your imagination. I had a hankerin' for a chili cheese dog but we were on our way to a friend's house and they wanted me to bring an appetizer. I don't think this is what they had in mind but it blew them away and there was none left.

Basic Ingredient List:

  • Bacon - 2lbs of thick cut
  • Sausage - 5 links of Italian Hot but you could also use 2 lbs of Jimmy Dean Spicy in the chub pack.
  • Cheese - about 3 cups of shredded mild cheddar.
  • Hot Dogs - 5 all beef dogs
  • Chili - 1 can of no bean Hormel or similar chili
  • Dry Rub - I used Sweet Mesquite but you can use whatever you prefer to add some flavor
Course shred the cheese and chop the hot dogs into small pieces. I didn't want to over chop the hot dogs but they could have been chopped a bit smaller. Mix with the can of chili.



Sprinkle a heavy layer of dry rub on the bacon weave. Empty the sausage casings and layer onto the bacon weave about a 1/4" thick. Using a 1 gallon zip lock bag to create the layer of sausage is easier but my crumb snatchers used the last ones collecting flowers :rolleyes:.


Now the tricky part - how do you get all that stuffing into the middle of the fatty so it doesn't blow out. Simple - the Fatty Piston - make your own with these instructions.
Get all of your ingredients in your Fatty Piston and extrude the stuffing onto the fatty.


You can see from the pictures that a layer of Saran wrap was placed under the basket weave. This makes it SOOOO easy to roll up the Fatty. Simply lift up the Saran wrap and slowly roll the weave ensuring the stuffing stays inside. You can then use the Saran wrap and twist the ends to store the Fatty until ready for cooking. This will help keep the shape of the Fatty.


I smoked the fatty on my Traeger Smoker at 225 F until the internal temp was 165F. You could also bake the Fatty in the oven. Another option is to cook the Fatty on a gas grill as long as you cook on the indirect side - DO NOT cook bacon over an open flame and always be aware of the fat rendering out of the bacon and ensure you do not start a grease fire.


Thanks for looking! Hope your hungry now!
Interesting. I think that recent SPAM meatloaf fatty thing I did is putting me off a bit...but still...very interesting...

Lord knows I love fatties, and I love chili cheese dogs!:hungry:
Did the chili flavor survive the cook? I ask because I tried something like this but a frito chili cheese fatty. The problem was after the cook the chili flavor was different and very faint. I was just curious how your's turned out.
Thanks all!

Did the chili flavor survive the cook? I ask because I tried something like this but a frito chili cheese fatty. The problem was after the cook the chili flavor was different and very faint. I was just curious how your's turned out.

The chili flavor did bleed off a bit so next time I think I'll use mild sausage instead of spicy Italian but the flavor was still there.
That looks delicious. I suppose if you wanted to bring out more chili flavor you could add some chili seasoning (one of those packet deals from the store).