Chicken Leg Quarters

I get 10# bags regularly around $6-7 per bag. A few weeks ago Kroger had them on sale for 49 cents pound. I snagged two 10# bags. I'm happy to see quarters are still cheap.
I pay a little more for them at either Whole Foods (Bell & Evans) or local farms, usually around $3 a pound. Much better tasting meat. But if I was feeding a crowd? I'd snap up the Kroger ones.
Last time i bought a 10# bag of quarters was when the pandemic was in full force. I payed $5 for that 10# bag. That said, drumsticks and thighs go on sale regularly for $0.69/lb if you check weekly flyers.
They were 53 cents a pound at Restaurant Depot a week ago. That's for a 40lb. box. Decent price I thought, most of the other meat was too high.
I pay a little more for them at either Whole Foods (Bell & Evans) or local farms, usually around $3 a pound. Much better tasting meat. But if I was feeding a crowd? I'd snap up the Kroger ones.

YES SIR Bell & Evans are worth the price..... A little research on air cooled chickens will prove us right.... I'll never buy a "traditional" chicken product again.... Chlorine bath? I'll pass :grin:
