Broken Tab = Broken Rule??


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Apr 21, 2006
Watching a rerun of '06 Bama-Que a team went into a freak whilst closing their pork box and broke the tab web on the box. They took their entry and moved to another box for fear they would be DQ'd for a marked container.
I thought I'd read, heard, seen that a broken tab web was not a rules violation. Anybody have any experience on this? Any BOD's want to chime in?
We had the same thing happen at our last comp. The tab got broken in the cooler, or puling it out of the cooler. I had spent a chit load of time building a putting green and had to re-do it all in a matter of minutes. Stress!!
When that happened to me I received a new box from the rep with my number on it.
We broke a tab twice this past season. No DQ. It did make me sweat though.

Both times it was during turn-ins, so there was no opportunity to make an exchange, otherwise we would have.
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I broke one about 20 minutes before turn in, and went to ask the reps. They said it was okay and I didn't need to get a new one.
I have broken several tabs over the years. I always go to a rep, and have never been forced to redo a box...
I had a marking that was part of the sticker on the box once. I took it to the rep and he said they would just put the new number over it. Anytime you notice that the sooner the better it is to ask the rep. If you ask them and they tell you something you have your butt covered vs just taking a chance on a turn-in.
It is not a DQ. Many times the marker that they count the boxes in production slip by and are given to a competitor. No problem there either, but it is a good idea to bring it to the attention of the rep.
Was the second box provided by the reps? If not I would imagine using a second "unofficial box" would constitute a real problem!