Brisket prices near you



So...visited my local Costco yesterday to pickup this weekend's brisket. I was kinda surprised that the price per lb on whole packers at Costco is $3.49 for a whole packer brisket...choice quality.

They had flats by themselves for $4.99/lb.

What do you guys see as far as price goes in your local stores?
Well, my Costco does not carry full packers, but I think the price for flats is the same as yours. I buy my packers from a local mom & pop meat market. It's kind of funny... the price on the meat case says $2.49/lb, but when I ask for a packer they always charge me $2.29/lb. It's happened several times, so I quit saying anything about it. Who am I to question the person working there?!

(Those prices are for "choice".)
OK...well I thought I was getting ripped off....but I guess what I'm paying is about average for a whole brisket. Thanks for the replies dudes. Can't wait to smoke this thing tomorrow
I can order by the case from a distributer choice brisket 2.23, point off choice flat 3.97.

Everyone needs to hold on to their shorts, future prices may skyrocket! I work at a cattle feedlot, we just priced some corn for fall delivery over $9 per bushel! Feed costs are getting crazy, the drought has driven the prices up, up, up.
it's tough finding briskets around here. I found one guy. Charges me 4/lb ( sometimes 3... depends on the day. LOL)
$2.18/lb at both the local HEB grocer and Walmart (grades vary daily from ungraded to CAB choice, all same price). Meyer natural angus choice at HEB for $3.25/lb (same briskets that Franklin BBQ uses). CAB choice $2.48/lb at Super Target. All packers.
Smart & Final in Los Angeles was selling packers for $2.49/lb. a few weeks ago. It was select, tho.
Just picked up 2 from Sam's (choice) for a catering job on the way through Knoxville TN... Not home town but never the less $2.58 lb.